sábado, 14 de mayo de 2022

Just go back to JESUS...


Just go back to JESUS...

It was a very cold night (“John 18: 18. And the servants and the bailiffs who had kindled a fire were standing; for it was cold, and they were warming themselves; and Peter also stood with them, warming himself.”)

The darkest night in Jerusalem, the darkest... the cruelest night in the history of mankind, the night that the Lord Jesus was imprisoned, he was standing, listening to slanders about him, in order to justify his sentence of death, he was standing knowing in advance his cruel destiny to die nailed to a cross, they were there, he had already been imprisoned, beaten, prior to that his body already felt despair for his destiny, he sweated blood and water the weight of sin and the agony for what that he would suffer caused him that effect; ("Luke 22: 44. And being in an agony, he prayed more earnestly; and his sweat was like great drops of blood falling to the ground.") 43 And an angel from heaven appeared to him to strengthen him. 44 And being in an agony, he prayed more earnestly; and his sweat was like great drops of blood falling to the ground.”)

Jesus knew a truth, he was alone, no one could help him, God could no longer be close to him, Jesus carried on him the sin of humanity, and God does not converge with sin, God the Father loved Jesus, but he could not be close to Him, for our sins on him, that's why God sent an angel to strengthen him.

It was the worst of the moments in the life of Jesus, there would be hours of pain, ridicule, psychological suffering, abandonment, the bullying of thousands, physical violence to the extreme of people of his own nation and of others no less than the Romans, Extremely cruel people, no other moment like that, his own despised him and cried out for his death, like a criminal, knowing that he was innocent, they beat him until he was tired, the Jews pulled out his beard, that is, they pulled out his beard with their hands, how many would have intervened in this, his face must have been very injured, and disfigured, they spat on him, mocked him as they wanted, a mass of flesh, without blood, without a beard, with blows and wounds all over his body and a terrible crown of thorns entering his temples.

His disciples, relatives and friends were not his closest friends if they were there, Juan who was known to the high priest, was there but could not do anything, and Pedro who moments before in an attempt to protect him cut off the ear of Malco, servant of the high priest (John 18: 10-11 Then Simon Peter, having a sword, drew it, and struck the servant of the high priest, and cut off his right ear. And the servant's name was Malchus. 11 Jesus then said to Peter : Put your sword in its sheath; the cup that the Father has given me, shall I not drink it?”), but soon this was going to change… soon Peter would be seized with fear, and he would deny it, and he would cry bitterly, horrified intimidated by the cruelty he would see against Jesus…Peter's courageous heart would become the heart of a little boy terrified with fear.

Jesus would be present at that moment and would see him and his look would be the pain that would make Peter, a rude man, cry bitterly, remembering when he himself said to Jesus: "Get away from me Lord, for I am a sinner (Matthew 16: 16. “…You are the Christ, the Son of the living God”, Peter the only man who walked on the waters, Peter one of the three who saw the transfiguration of Jesus heard the voice of God, saying that Jesus was his beloved son .

Pedro the man that Jesus changed his name to, Pedro the close disciple of the intimate prayer group of Jesus, there were probably many memories of Pedro since he met Jesus, like the day when he called him and chose him among many… the days who shared with him seeing the miracles, such as the miraculous catch of fish, the resurrection of Jairus's daughter, that day Jesus chose him so that he would see that miracle, Peter saw the dead rise, the son of the widow of Naim, the resurrection of Lazarus, there were so many things that he saw even that Jesus hit Malco's ear, thus amending his crime, and possibly avoiding death, he had so much to thank him for, so much that loving him and having betrayed him was the equivalent of having renounced his faith, disobeying God, and betraying him alike, was so difficult, he had not only betrayed his best friend, but his teacher, his Messiah, his redeemer, the Son of God.

How much Jesus prayed for Peter, I imagine a lot and despite his betrayal, Jesus always expected the best from Peter, once he returned, confirm your brothers, feed my Grey, Jesus trusted Peter again, but not before admonishing him in his love for he jesus

I love reading that part of writing.

He knew the genuine pain of Peter's repentance, for having betrayed him and he knew that once filled with the Holy Spirit he would become a brave man, who would not fear prison, death, the religious or any powerful of his time, or anything . Jesus knew what that moment of Peter's betrayal was like, but he also knew the ending that, according to history, was crucified...

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