One of the biggest questions I have had since the day I read, Matthew 24, and many passages from Holy Scripture say otherwise, one of my questions was Why if the whole world preaches the rapture before the Tribulation the Lord Jesus, does he say the opposite? Never in my life have I considered that God, nor that my Jesus, nor that the Beloved Holy Spirit play with my intellect, ever.
On March 23, 2013, the government of the United States of America , will execute a mandatory health reform and will identify 100, 000 people that day with an alleged credit card, which is nothing more than a chip , in the hand or on the forehead , with the intention that in the period of 3 years that chip will be the identity document of that country, plus the addition, that no one will be able to buy or sell without that chip implanted in their body; it's just like the Book of Revelation 14: 9 says, which talks about the seal of the beast, whether this is the seal of the beast or not, I do n't know , but that is a very big step to a new world order, that it is undoubted.
It is a pity that in our country nothing is said about it, because when the news came out, what it said was a credit card to the bearer, and about it neither the religious leaders of the largest Churches in the country say anything.
This article was published on August 11, 2012 , on that date I already had time to investigate various things.
Today March 25, 2020, I want to add many more things , to reach this conclusion, they do not know how much I pray, because it is not easy to say this .
Send several letters to several pastors, some theologians , theology students and brothers, many believed , and comienzaron to investigate also , others have clung to past teachings .
But I can say the Lord we gave a powerful weapon to show me the truth and his word, and prayer and fasting , has given us the beloved Espiritu Santo, and yet not leave my amazement and not the magnitude of what could happen , and it hurts to know that those who read this article also will hurt to know we are in apocalypse remind you this is not our home, we must be strong and courageous and approach more to the Lord, to reach the true ending to the , because THIS IS NOT OUR HOME.
I have reviewed the writing and saw that many events which the Lord allowed me to know through his word could compare it with international news, and now in his mercy I know that we are already in Revelation and that the Church passed part of the tribulation of the Apocalypse , which is not seven years as such and as taught by theologians, because in fact when seeing the events anyone could say when everything would end, but some events are needed to be fulfilled, almost everything has been fulfilled and some of us have not even noticed , I can not say when'd just seven years, since not seven human years we already had , we are extra, and that the seals of the apocalypse has long been opened and what has happened is that it has intensified, we have already passed the fifth seal of the apocalypse, and we carry several trumpets, that almost everything is accomplished, that the sixth seal and the seventh trumpet are united in the same event that they are a me ga earthquake.
That since 2014 it has been announced by Pope Francis that he had already started World War III, that this event of coronavirus, even if it is created by man, is part of the plague that would kill a good part of the world population, and the the start of new viruses that will end a good part of the world population, as the Bible says, that many Christians are praying, but only receiving Christ, humbling ourselves and turning away from evil and obeying and being faithful for love of the Lord is ours guarantee of eternal life.
and for today my research has fallen short, but I want to add these events that once investigate international news and are not complete because there was a time that decidei not investigate more , but keep me for the Lord, and let things happen , are the following:
From 2008 to date: SEVERAL RIVERS, SEAS AND LAKES TURNED INTO RED BLOOD: Revelation 16: 5-6 “You are righteous, O Lord, who you are, and that you were, the Holy One, because you have judged these things. Because they shed the blood of the saints and the prophets, you have also given them blood to drink because they deserve it. ”
Rio de Medellín 2008
The Canadian Falls
San Angelo Lake, State Park, Texas July 27, 2011
Norwalk River in Ohio April 2011
The Azov Sea in Russia
Beirut River February 16, 2012
Lake La Camargue , France, in August 2012
Yang River tze China, September 6, 2012
African Lake September 13, 2012
The beaches of Sydney Australia on November 27, 2012
Rio Menfhis 2012 , to date more are added . In addition to some other waters in Antarctica, Australia and Iran, I do not know for now how many waters are changing but this year it intensified more, some attribute the color red, to toxic algae, the Russians however are more decent, since Despite being eminences in science, they say they find no logical explanation for this phenomenon. (You can search on You Tube for a video called RIVERS AND SEAS OF THE WORLD CONVERTED IN BLOOD and you will find similar reports)
There are also other parallel phenomena such as:
Giant Hail Shower: (which have been uploaded by international news and amateur videos under the name of hail, hail shower, and will appear similar, always on You Tube or google )
This phenomenon has occurred in countries such as Spain, Colombia, Argentina, Texas, Mexico, among other countries, the size of the hail is large, in Colombia in a few minutes, several vehicles were trapped and drivers and passengers had to be rescued in an emergency.
Blood Showers:
In Badoo , Colombia in 2008, in India this year in the months of June, and July, September in different parts of India, announcements of blood rains in England.
Rains of Sand: In the United States in different places.
Black Rains: Black rains falling in Chile, last year.
Tornadoes of Fire, or Columns of Fire: In Italy, and Australia and in different parts of the world, columns more than 30 meters high from earth to heaven.
Waterspouts or Sea Cyclones: Fish flying through the air, even coins.
DEATH OF BIRDS AND FISH WORLDWIDE: In Arkansas, E : U and in different States. US have killed many fish and birds in Spain, Peru, Italy, Ecuador, Chile (3,000 dolphins this year), in the Rio Amazonas 10 , 000,000 dead fish. For example: 5000 Birds that are disoriented and crashed into buildings in Arkansas. And other places in the world. They attribute these deaths to water heating, I don't think much of that, maybe that more radiation pollution in the water, more oil spill will give that result. When the Bible says that the 3rd part of the ships would be destroyed, personally I do not know if it is an error in the wording, which instead of saying ships, would have to say BIRDS. I don't know but what they are dying are birds.
In addition to the fish, thousands of crabs have been coming out of the sea and pulling off their claws, they seem to want to escape something. Dead whales, animals that seem to run away from the seabed
THE SUN: The sun, is composed of Hydrogen and Helium, it is estimated that by itself , the sun represents 98.6 of the solar system, that the sun supports all forms of life on earth, and conducts the climate on earth and meteorology .
Apparently the sun has already been wounded, this 2013 NASA says that we will have 6 years of maximum solar activity, and most of us have felt those effects, in the United States although on other occasions it has happened in some places the heat was so intense that even the Car tires melted on the pavement, apparently reaching 150 degrees heat. American nuclear plants were in great danger, and I imagine they remain a danger, as they no longer had the ability to contain radiation.
In 2012 That year a black sphere was placed next to the sun and apparently began to extract its energy, then the sun was left injured, not forgetting that those of us who sometimes follow some news about the sun can see the famous solar storms that have caused Even this year that China and Australia will be left without communication, due to the large interference that solar flares have caused, and NASA says that this solar intensity may cause air accidents, and many other disasters, in the next 6 years from now on. .
Without forgetting that the sun gives color to water, and from it by divine probity everything that exists in our solar system stays afloat, if the sun dies, everything that exists is known to die with it. Nowadays, if the heat of the sun increases more, the grass will die, then the animals, then man.
THE EARTH: The melting of the poles, due to global warming, will cause floods and also the extinction of some species.
Apart from the fact that the earth has already tilted 26 degrees to its right, and where the Greenwich meridian used to be, nowadays the Tropic of Capricorn remains, for this reason time has been shortened, and the animals seem disoriented, apart that the different seasons of the year have varied, and the seasons of the year have undergone great changes, such is the example of the winter that Russia has suffered this month, it has been one of the strongest in 70 years, to speak about this is to also speak in the different places that the moon appears today, and in the different places that the sun is giving its glow every day, and this process changes from one day to the next, without forgetting that there are electromagnetic currents between earth-sun-moon that They are related to each other , and that the change of any of them affects the others, however, in my opinion, there is no doubt that the one who has moved from its axis is the earth, and not the sun or the moon.
The earth has its own heat, and it is big, not only have we seen too many earthquakes but there have also been many threats of volcanoes about to erupt, apart from the fact that in different parts of the earth there are subsidence, and huge cracks, we have seen: it seems to me that in 2011 huge gullies appeared in front of Sertracen , in Cojutepeque and in La Libertad, last year and this year, and there are many reports on the internet of this phenomenon in other countries, by For example, huge cracks in the earth have appeared in Spain, in Mexico and many other countries.
Forest fires caused by heat, water shortages, if someone travels and passes near Cítala, the Rio Lempa, which was very abundant, is no longer so in summer, one gets wet the calcañales, has been drying up due to the abuse that we ourselves have committed against the , but also because of the heat, which call evaporation and then low to the ground by condensation, and rain or precipitation process, this winter was quite dry.
The Japan Earthquake and Tsunami or Japan Tsunami: It brought serious consequences for the earth, to such an extent that Japanese scientists have stated that the Fukushima nuclear plant had sunk 80 cm. 2 months ago, and they needed to release a little of that nuclear energy at sea or that could cause great global chaos, there is a video of this disaster where clearly a rider and his horse seem to come out of the sea and was captured by a secular newscast, and the title is Rider of the Apocalypse out of the Japanese Tsunami , so there is also another video where the yellow rider clearly appears out of a lawsuit in Cairo Egypt.
Should also not forget that there have been other earthquakes and tsunamis, that of Chile, probably the The earth has its own heat, and is great, not only have seen too many earthquakes but also have many threats from volcanoes to erupt apart from the fact that in different parts of the earth there are sinkings, and enormous cracks, we have seen it: it seems to me that in 2011 huge gullies appeared overnight in front of Sertracen , in Cojutepeque and in La Libertad, the year just Last and this year, and there are many reports on the internet of this phenomenon in other countries, for example in Spain, huge cracks in the earth have appeared, in Mexico and many other countries.
Forest fires caused by heat, water shortages, if someone travels and passes near Cítala, the Rio Lempa, which was very abundant, is no longer so in summer, one gets wet the calcañales, has been drying up due to the abuse that we ourselves have committed against the , but also because of the heat, which call evaporation and then low to the ground by condensation, and rain or precipitation process, this winter was quite dry.
The Japan Earthquake and Tsunami or Japan Tsunami: It brought serious consequences for the earth, to such an extent that Japanese scientists have stated that the Fukushima nuclear plant had sunk 80 cm. 2 months ago, and they needed to release a little of that nuclear energy at sea or that could cause great global chaos, there is a video of this disaster where clearly a rider and his horse seem to come out of the sea and was captured by a secular newscast, and the title is Rider of the Apocalypse out of the Japanese Tsunami , so there is also another video where the yellow rider clearly appears out of a lawsuit in Cairo Egypt.
Should also not forget that there have been other earthquakes and tsunamis, that of Chile, probably the The earth has its own heat, and is great, not only have seen too many earthquakes but also have many threats from volcanoes to erupt apart from the fact that in different parts of the earth there are sinkings, and enormous cracks, we have seen it: it seems to me that in 2011 huge gullies appeared overnight in front of Sertracen , in Cojutepeque and in La Libertad, the year just Last and this year, and there are many reports on the internet of this phenomenon in other countries, for example in Spain, huge cracks in the earth have appeared, in Mexico and many other countries.
Forest fires caused by heat, water shortages, if someone travels and passes near Cítala, the Rio Lempa, which was very abundant, is no longer so in summer, one gets wet the calcañales, has been drying up due to the abuse that we ourselves have committed against the , but also because of the heat, which call evaporation and then low to the ground by condensation, and rain or precipitation process, this winter was quite dry.
The Japan Earthquake and Tsunami or Japan Tsunami: It brought serious consequences for the earth, to such an extent that Japanese scientists have stated that the Fukushima nuclear plant had sunk 80 cm. 2 months ago, and they needed to release a little of that nuclear energy at sea or that could cause great global chaos, there is a video of this disaster where clearly a rider and his horse seem to come out of the sea and was captured by a secular newscast, and the title is Rider of the Apocalypse out of the Japanese Tsunami , so there is also another video where the yellow rider clearly appears out of a lawsuit in Cairo Egypt.
It should not be forgotten also that there have been other earthquakes and tidal waves, that of Chile, probably the
Cause of the dead fish is this, apart from the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, the death of the birds may also be due to the fact that they eat fish.
THE MOON: The moon exerts gravity on the earth and produces what we know as a tide, the moon serves as a stabilizer for the earth and by that inclination the seasons occur. This year large anomalies are seen on the moon, its way of appearing, it is clear that the one who has moved is the earth and not the moon, but it will cause serious damage, since the electromagnetic currents between sun, earth and moon are already uneven.
THE EUFRATES RIVER: It is a river that has a spiritual meaning, it has been drying up greatly, and Russia and China, have been drumming together since April of this year, and Russia has shown a Tank called the Flying Tank, they have also decided to end the Arab & Israeli war, to such an extent that this year they put some ships in front of Syria, apart from knowing that the sleeping giant of China has already awakened. It has 200,000,000 soldiers, probably more, its technology is strong, and everything indicates that the third world war will be so strong, and it could be a nuclear war and that the first and second world war will probably look like a cartoon, in comparison of the third. Everything is ready for Armageddon.
The Temple of Israel is now ready, and will soon be on the surface; The US is about to stop helping Israel, that is coming.
And since 2005, Rav YITZAK KADURI, considered a prophet of catastrophes in Israel, at his 105 years of life, said that he would reveal the name of the Messiah, that he had revealed himself to him in vision, and had told him that he was coming
soon for his people, and that it would be a little after the death of the Israeli minister Ariel Sharon; and the Rav said that he would write down the name of the Messiah and how to recognize him, and that this note was his wish to be released one year after his death, so it was that in the month of April 2007, the Name of the Messiah was Yeshua, to the funeral of the Rav , was attended by more than 200,000 people and was released the news in selected newspapers in Israel, and Orthodox Jews tried to rebut the note of the Rav , however two of the disciples more people close to the Rav Kaduri , and her son confirmed such a revelation. And they said that that was the letter of the Rav Kaduri , and everything that he said about that revelation is on his websiteb , and this video can be seen on you tube .
WEIRD NOISES AROUND THE WORLD : In January of this year, and on September 26 of this year, I heard such a dreadful and inexplicable noise, it really seemed like the sound of a shofar , but with metals, this led me to search if there was something else, and if a similar noise appeared in all parts of the world, to such a degree that CNN captured these sounds in different parts of the world at the same time; Bible scholars say that no one can hear them, the Bible does not say that, we speculate that , look for them as if it could be, this was real.
There is a lot of news that I am not aware of, but everything I have stated is verified by international news in each country where I have mentioned these things, you can also see them in red hot, on you tube , if you search on Google , you can see them in secular news.
As for the seals of the apocalypse, we are obviously in the fifth seal, since the first seal begins with the appearance of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the other seals until the fifth seal what happens is
that they intensify, in the fifth seal since our brothers in the old world many are persecuted and killed because of the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.
The Sixth Seal is an earthquake that is waiting to happen, and that joins the last earthquake that is mentioned in the seventh trumpet of the apocalypse, but it also seems to be the same one that occurs when the witnesses rise to heaven, and it is the day of the final judgment, after Armageddon, obviously, but they end with a great world earthquake, others mention three earthquakes, others two, in my case I see a great earthquake when I chase the footnotes. From my Bible, and speculating for me that the Tsunami was some meteorite that fell into the sea, and that it made a great boom, if I have heard that scientists are waiting for another meteorite; Well, I see that theologians first say the seven seals will pass, then the seven trumpets, and well, but they do not think that some things will wait a certain time, as has happened with the seventy weeks that the prophet Daniel spoke, there the time of God has been fulfilled and not that of men, so it can happen with the apocalypse, if I think that the Seven Cups of the wrath of God will be for the final judgment, those if I do not believe the people of God see them, but everything else we are seeing.
The rapture of the Church from what I have read if it occurs before the day of the final judgment and is in the seventh trumpet, because Mr. Jesus swears that the time would not be more, but when the Angel begins to sound the trumpet, the mystery of God is finished, as the I announced to his servants the prophets Revelation 10: 7, we shall see God, and God punished, but the church if it happened according to Matthew 24 , the tribulation on earth. In fact, each day the sun burns more and we all suffer it, or not.
I think it was too daring of us to put in how long this is all supposed to last. The only thing that is true is the Bible.
As for the way of interpreting, then obviously I would have to respect what 1 Peter 1: 20 says "Understanding first of all that no prophecy of Scripture is of private interpretation."
However, there is something that cannot be exchanged and it is the healthy doctrine, this if it is not of private interpretation, it is as it is and it has no backwardness, it is trying to fulfill it and if we achieve it it is fully by the mercy of God and the blood of his Holy Son, and the help of the Beloved Holy Spirit.
I heard a preacher quite a theologian say that God the Father was not interested in unsaved people realizing that his coming was near, he was sheltering in St. Matthew 24, and that the end was near, but I see all these events and I believe quite the opposite, if I see God giving all men the opportunity to repent of their sins, I see places where the gospel has been announced although there are many who have not been converted but as if it is necessary to understand that the gospel would be preached In the whole world, it does not mean that people would be converted, and that the proclamation of the gospel in many places has already happened and very few will be missing, but the drastic events that are taking place make the same unconverted people somehow quote the Bible. The only thing is that many people who do not know how to seek and receive the Lord and others will never want to receive Him.
Revelation 9:20 "And the other men who were not slain by these plagues, yet did not repent of the work of their hands, nor ceased to worship the demons, and the images of gold, silver, bronze, stone and of wood, which cannot see, hear , or walk.
And they did not repent of their murders, nor of their sorceries, nor of their fornication, nor of their thefts. ”
For me, the rapture of the Church will occur before the day of the Last Judgment, when the Bible says that the FINAL TRUMPET , but the tribulation as if we are going to pass it, is more like we are already in it. The inclination of the earth has caused the shortening of the days. And there will be a time when the 4 winds of the earth are not going to blow more Apocalypse. 7: 1, I imagine there will be no rotation, no translation on earth, time will apparently stop, and however crazy this may seem, those who survive Armageddon will have the age at which they entered their mortal bodies. . When the earth is destroyed the heat of the earth plus the heat of the sun, but the atomic explosions will destroy the earth, and the powers of the heavens moved, will destroy it, the earth will be exploded from its core and out of it .
From this point who wants the prosperity gospel, if really the only thing that will not perish will be our works in God, and at this moment the kingdom of heaven has approached men in a spiritual way, the forgiveness of sins, mercy of the Lord, His Grace, etc. , his spiritual freedom from the chains that bind us, etc. , if there can be an economic blessing, but they will not give us the kingdoms of the world, not even the Lord Jesus has taken them from the hand of the enemy, He will up to The Seventh Trumpet Revelation 11:15 “The Seventh Angel (It is the Lord Jesus) blew the trumpet, and there were great voices in heaven, saying: The kingdoms of the world have become of our Lord and his Christ; and he will reign for ever and ever. ” So if the he has not taken us less.
It has been difficult for me to overcome all this, sometimes I wonder about my family, because we all want the best for our family, but not all of us ask for them to be converted, and that is the most valuable thing to inherit eternal life, and I believe that as Christians we only know You can overcome all this by being completely filled with the Holy Spirit of God….
Why the Church will be like the ten virgins, there is something clear, money in the world exists in abundance, recessions are planned, but there are natural events that no matter how many Haarps there are, man will never be able to control, let's be clear that the owners It is not in the interest of the media that we all know everything, in addition in our country there is only little emphasis on death, violence by gangs, crime, intra-family, poverty, they are not even interested in HIV, or large demographic statistics, etc. , everything It is a worship to obtain a good economic position, an excellent political position, a life completely full of pleasures, and a life of fun, indiscriminate sex as that was the best thing in life, you see it on screen, you hear it in music, passion is confused with love, and the best bodies, or hedonism, from that point of view if it is the powerful people on the planet who control what we see, we use it We, and what we eat, we can realize that there is money, but for this particular group that we do not need money, but now its objective is to control others, it is convenient for them to have a new world order, this ministry of iniquity that in all times it has always existed, which is a desire of satan in order to overthrow the power of God, in order to control the little free will that humanity has, these powers that together are nefarious, and have fought for this for a long time.
February 15, 2013 To this date new tsunami events on Solomon Island of Australia, resignation of Pope Venedict XVI, there are 3 possible candidates to be pope, and this next one may be the false prophet of the Apocalypse; Meteorite fell in Russia, and are waiting for the fall of another more , and left many injured and some missing, Spain continues negotiations to have a single currency, the best course would be the ship ...
TSUNAMIS, TYPHONS, EARTHQUAKES, TAMMOTES, VOLCANOES ABOUT TO ERUPT, CRACKS AND SINKS IN DIFFERENT PARTS OF THE WORLD, POLE MELTING, GLOBAL WARMING, FOOD SHORTAGES, EXTREME FOODS, ANIMALS, ANIMALS , DEATH DUE TO ILLNESS, VIOLENCE AND DISASTERS, MARINE ANIMALS GOING TO THE SHORES OF THE BEACHES, ONE OF TWO OF THE WATERFALLS OF CANADA THIS YEAR IS DRY, THE DUCKS INHABITED IN CANADA RAISED THEIR FLIGHT USED TO THE SOUTH TO REPRODUCE AND SUSPEND CHICKENS, LIFTED THEIR FLIGHT AND RETURNED, USA with a new Law where any citizen can be killed only with suspicion, Singers says that Christians unabashedly worshiping satan such is the case of Anette Moreno is her guardian song of the door of the love, where he asks for help from two characters to Amon and Walloon (which appear according to some connoisseurs in the Satanic Bible ), Owls on the roof of one of the Iglesi as more large in our country, owls are used in things of the enemy or worship God or the enemy we define ourselves , ecumenism, pastors saying that it is normal for the ship , etc. cannibalism, and much more .
Gospel ministers reproaching the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ by marrying multiple times with different women.
Pseudo- evangelical pastors, and Gay marrying and marrying the congregation at gay weddings, supporting gay and lesbian relationships and making it public on social media. Alleged Christian dances with half-naked women in the temples of the Lord , hinting that God is love and these unlawful acts are performed of course love.
Oh, no, God is happy, his judgments are callendo this world but pray nations will not regret.
Unquestionably everything points to OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST COMING SOON.
Since my childhood these verses generated so much commotion in me , and ask and ask which was the trumpet, the answer given most pastors have no biblical foundation. Let's see
1st. Corinthians 15: 51-52 always captivates my mind:
"51 Behold, I tell you a mystery: We will not all sleep, but we will all be transformed,
52 in a moment, in the blink of an eye, at the final trumpet; because the trumpet will be blown, and the dead will be raised incorruptible, and we ... "
Let's see what else the Lord's word says about it:
SIGNS BEFORE THE END (St. Matthew 24: 3-51)
24.3. Then sitting on the Mount of Olives, his disciples approached him privately, and said to him: Tell us when that will happen, and what will be the sign of your coming and the end of the world.
24.4. Jesus answered them: See that no one deceives you.
24.5. Because many will come usurping my name and saying: "I am the Christ", and they will deceive many.
24.6. You will also hear about wars and rumors of wars. Be careful, don't be alarmed! Because that needs to happen, but it is not the end yet.
24.7. For nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be famines and earthquakes in various places.
24.8. All this will be the beginning of labor pains.
24.9. Then they will torture you and kill you, and you will be hated by all nations because of my name. (Matthew 10: 22 | "And you will be hated by all because of my name; but he who endures to the end will be saved").
24.10. Many will then be scandalized and betray and hate each other.
24.11. Many false prophets will arise, deceiving many.
24.12. And as iniquity grows more and more, the charity of the majority will grow cold.
24.13. But whoever endures to the end will be saved.
24.14. This Good News of the Kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the world, to bear witness to all nations. And then the end will come.
Matthew 24.15 | When you see, then, the abomination of desolation, announced by the prophet Daniel, erected in the Holy Place (whoever reads, who understands). (Daniel 9: 26-27 | which pertinently says: “And after the sixty-two weeks the Messiah will be killed, but not for himself, and the people of a prince who is to come will destroy the city and the sanctuary, and its end will be with flooding, and until the end of the war the devastations will last. And for another week, it will confirm the covenant with many ; and in the middle of the week, it will make the sacrifice and offering cease. Then with the crowd of abominations the desolate will come, until the consummation comes, and what is determined will spill over the desolate "); ( 2 Thessalonians 2: 1-12 MANIFESTATION OF THE MAN OF SIN But regarding the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and our meeting with him, we ask you, brothers, 2: 2 not to allow yourselves to move easily in your way of thinking, Do not be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as if it were ours, in the sense that the day of the Lord is near. 2: 3 Let no one deceive you in any way, because it will not come without the coming of apostasy, and the man of sin manifests himself, the son of perdition, 2: 4 who opposes and rises up against everything that is called God or is worshiped; as much as he sits in the temple of God as God, posing as God ( related to Daniel 11:36 ; " And the king will do his will and be proud and exalt himself over every god, and speak wonders against the God of the gods, and prosper until anger is consummated, for the determined will be fulfilled. The God of his parents will not pay attention , nor the master r of women, nor will he respect any God, because above all he will exalt himself. But instead he will honor the god of fortresses, a god his parents did not know; He will honor him with gold and silver, with precious stones and with things of great price. With a foreign god he will make himself the most impregnable fortresses, and will honor those who recognize him, and he will divide the land for a price. ” 2: 5 Do you not remember that when I was still with you, I said this to you? 2: 6 And now you know what is holding it back, so that in due course it may manifest. 2: 7 For the mystery of iniquity is already at work; only there are those who presently stop him, until he, in turn, is removed from the middle. 2: 8 And then shall that wicked one be revealed, whom the Lord will slay with the spirit of his mouth, and will destroy with the brightness of his coming; 2: 9 wicked whose advent is by the work of Satan, with great power and signs and lying wonders, 2:10 and with all deceit of iniquity for those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth to be saved. 2:11 For this reason God sends them a deceitful power, so that they believe the lie, 2:12 so that all those who did not believe the truth, but took pleasure in injustice, would be condemned. Chosen for salvation ”).
Matthew 24.16. then , those who are in Judea, flee to the mountains;
24.17. he who is on the roof, do not go down to collect things from his house;
24.18. and let him who is in the field not return in search of his cloak.
24.19. Woe to those who are pregnant or raising in those days!
24.20. Pray that your flight does not happen in winter or on Saturday.
24.21. For then there will be a great tribulation, which there was not from the beginning of the world to the present, nor will there ever be.
24.22. And if those days were not abbreviated, nobody would be saved; but in attention to the elect those days will be abbreviated.
24.23. So if someone says to you: "Look, the Christ is here or there, don't believe it.
24.24. Because false christs and false prophets will arise , who will do great signs and wonders, capable of deceiving, if possible, the elect themselves.
24.25. See that I have foretold you!
24.26. So if they tell you: "It is in the desert", do not go out; "It's in the rooms," don't believe it.
24.27. For as the lightning flashes from the east and shines to the west, so will the coming of the Son of man be.
24.28. Wherever the carcass is, there the vultures will gather.
24.29 | Immediately after the tribulation of those days, the sun will darken, the moon will not shine, the stars will fall from heaven, and the forces of heaven will be shaken . (Revelation 6: 12-14 || “And look when he opened the sixth seal, and behold, there was a great earthquake, and the sun turned black as sackcloth, and the moon turned all as blood, and the stars of the Heaven fell on the earth, as the fig tree drops its figs when it is shaken by a strong wind. And the sky vanished like parchment that is rolled up and every mountain and every island was removed from its place. "). (Isaiah 13: 9-11, 13 | "Behold, the day of Jehovah is coming, terrible and with indignation and burning with anger, to turn the earth into solitude, and to destroy its sinners from it. And I will punish the world for its wickedness, and the wicked for their iniquity, and I will cause the arrogance of the proud to cease, and I will bring down the haughtiness of the strong: 13. For I will cause the heavens to shake, and the earth shall move from its place in the indignation of Jehovah of The Armies, and in the day of the burning of his anger ”).
24.30 | Then the sign of the Son of man will appear in heaven; and then all the races of the earth will strike their chests and they will see the Son of man coming on the clouds of heaven with great power and glory. (Revelation 15-17 | And the kings of the earth and the great and the rich, the captains, the mighty, and every servant, and all free, hid themselves in the caves and among the rocks of the mountains; and they said to the Mount the rocks already, fall upon us, hide us from the face of him who sits on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb, for the great day of his wrath has come, and who can stand upright? "). (Malachi 3: 1-2 | “Behold, I have sent my messenger, who will prepare the way before me, and the Lord whom you seek, and the Angel of the covenant, whom you desire, will suddenly come to his temple. here comes Jehovah of Hosts has said. And who will be able to bear the time of his coming? Or who will be able to stand when he manifests himself? Because he is like a purifying fire, and like soap of washers
Matthew 24.31. He will send His angels with a loud trumpet, and they will gather His elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other. (This is after the tribulation) (1 Thessalonians 4:16 | "For the Lord Himself will come down from heaven with the voice of command, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trumpet of God ; and the dead in Christ will rise first." 1 CORINTHIANS 15: 51 | " Behold , I tell you a mystery: Not all of us will sleep, but we will all be transformed. 1 Corinthians 15:52 | In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, AT THE LAST TRUMPET ( When is the final trumpet? ), because the trumpet is blown , and the dead will be raised incorruptible, and we will be transformed.) Thessalonians 4: 17-18 | Then we who are living, who are left, will be caught up together with them in the clouds to receive the Lord in the air, and thus we will always be with the Lord. Thessalonians 4:18 | Therefore, encourage one another with these words "). (Revelation 7: 9-17 | The multitude dressed in white robes 9 After this I looked, and behold, a great multitude, which no one could count, from all nations and tribes and peoples and languages, who stood before the throne and in the presence of the Lamb, clothed in white robes, and with palms in their hands, 10 and they cried out with a loud voice, saying: Salvation belongs to our God who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb. 11 And all the angels were in standing around the throne, and of the elders and of the four living creatures, and they fell on their faces before the throne, and worshiped God, 12 saying, Amen. Blessing and glory and wisdom and thanksgiving and honor and power and strength be to our God for ever and ever, Amen. ” 13 Then one of the elders spoke, saying to me, Who are they that are clothed in white robes, who are they, and where did they come from? 14 I said to him: Lord, you know it. And he said to me: These are the ones who have out of the great tribulation , and have washed their clothes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb. 15 For this reason they stand before the throne of God, and serve him day and night in his temple; and he who sits on the throne will spread his tabernacle over them. 16 They will no longer hunger or thirst, and the sun will no longer fall on them, nor any heat; 17 because the Lamb that is in the middle of the throne will shepherd them, and will guide them to sources of waters of life; and God will wipe away every tear from their eyes ”).
Matthew 24.32. From the fig tree learn this parable: when its branches are already tender and the leaves are sprouting, you know that summer is near.
24.33. So you also, when you see all this , know that He is near, at the doors.
24.34. I assure you that this generation will not pass until all this happens.
24.35. Heaven and earth will pass, but my words will not pass.
24.36. More than that day and hour, no one knows anything, not the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.
24.37. As in the days of Noah, so will be the coming of the Son of man.
24.38. For as in the days that preceded the flood, they ate, drank, took a wife or husband, until the day that Noah entered the ark,
24.39. and they did not realize until the flood came and dragged them all, so will also be the coming of the Son of man. (Matthew 25: 1 - | “Then the Kingdom of Heaven will be like ten virgins, who, with their lamp in hand, went out to meet the bridegroom. 25: 2 | Five of them were foolish, and five were wise. 25 : 3 | Indeed, the foolish did not provide themselves with oil when they took their lamps, 25: 4 | but the wise, along with their lamps, took oil in the crusts. 25: 5 | They all fell asleep and fell asleep. 25: 6 | But in the middle of the night a cry was heard: "The bridegroom is here! Go out to meet him!" 25: 7 | Then all those virgins got up and fixed their lamps. : 8 | And the foolish said to the prudent: "Give us of your oil, that our lamps go out." 25: 9 But the prudent replied: "No, lest it not be enough for us and for you; it is better that you go where the sellers and you buy it. "25: 10 | While they were going to buy it, the bridegroom came, and those who were prepared entered the wedding party with him, and closed or the door.25: 11 | Later the other virgins came saying, "Lord, Lord, open to us!" 25: 12 | But he replied: "Truly, I say to you, I do not know you.") ( Matthew 25: 13 | Watch therefore, because you do not know the day or the hour ”). (2 Peter 3: 3- 4; 10 | "Knowing this first, that mockers will come in the last days walking according to their own lusts. And saying: Where is the promise of his advent? For from the day the parents slept all things continue as well as from the beginning of creation ; 10 | But the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night, in which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt, and the earth and the works They will be burned in them ”) 1 Thessalonians 5: 2-3 “ Because you know perfectly well that the day of the Lord will come as well as thieves in the night. That when they say peace and security, then sudden destruction will come upon them, like the pains of the woman on tape, and they will not escape ”); (Revelation 19: 1-10 | “ 1.After this I heard a great voice from a great multitude in heaven, saying : Hallelujah! Salvation and honor and glory and power are from the Lord our God; 2 because his judgments are true and righteous, for he has judged the great harlot who has corrupted the earth by her fornication, and has avenged the blood of her servants by her hand. 3 Again they said , " Hallelujah! And her smoke rises up the forever and ever. 4 And the twenty-four elders and the four living creatures fell down on the ground and worshiped God, who was sitting on the throne, and said , " Amen! Hallelujah!" 5 And a voice came out of the throne saying: Praise our God all his servants, and those that fear him, both small and great. 6 And I heard like the voice of a great multitude, like the roar of many waters, and like the voice of great thunder, saying : !! Hallelujah, for the Lord our Almighty God reigns ! 7 Let us rejoice and be glad and give him glory; for they ha After the marriage of the Lamb, and his wife has prepared. 8 And she has been granted to dress in fine linen, clean and shining; because fine linen is the righteous actions of the saints. The marriage supper of the Lamb 9 And the angel said to me: Write: Blessed are those who are called to the marriage supper of the Lamb . And he said to me: These are true words of God. 10 I fell at his feet to worship him. And he said to me: Look, don't do it; I am a servant to you, and to your brothers who retain the testimony of Jesus. Worship God; because the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of the prophecy ”).
24: 41 | two women grinding in the mill: one is taken, the other left.
24.42. Watch therefore because you do not know what day your Lord will come.
24.43. Get it right: If the homeowner knew what time the thief was coming at night, he would be awake and would not allow his house to be burned. Matthew 24.44 | For this reason, you also must be prepared, because the moment you do not think, the Son of man will come . ( Revelation 16: 15 | “Behold, I come as a thief, blessed is he who watches, and keeps his clothes so that he does not walk naked, and see their shame. ") (Luke 12: 39-40 |" But know this that if the father of the family knew at what time the thief was to come, he would certainly watch and not allow his house to be mined. You also be prepared for at the hour that you do not think, the Son of Man will come. ”).
24.44. Therefore, you also be prepared, because at the moment you do not think, the Son of man will come.
24.45. Who, then, is the faithful and wise servant, whom the lord placed at the head of his servants to give them food in due season?
24.46. Blessed is that servant whom his master, upon arrival, finds doing so.
24.47. I assure you that he will put you in charge of all your finances.
24.48. But if that bad servant says to himself in his heart: "My lord is late,"
24.49. and he starts beating his companions and he eats and drinks with the drunkards,
24.50. will the lord of that servant does not expect the day and when you do not know,
Matthew 24.51 | it will separate him and point out his fate among the hypocrites; there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. (Matthew 8: 11-12 | “And I tell you, many will come from the East and the West, and will sit with Habraam and Isaac, and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven. But the sons of the kingdom will be cast into outer darkness. there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. "(Luke 13: 29-30 |" For they will come from the east and the west, from the north and the south, and will sit at the table in the kingdom of God. Behold, there is last who will be first, and first who will be last. ") (Matthew 19: 29-30 " And whoever has left houses, or brothers or sisters, or father or mother, or woman, or children or land by my name, will receive a hundred times more, and he will inherit eternal life. But many first will be last and last, first ").
In addition to the fact that our Lord Jesus Christ said in Matthew 28: 20 "... and I here I 'll be with you until the end of the world"; that reason our Lord we tell until the end of the world; When one reads Luke 13, he speaks of the signs BEFORE THE END, wars, famines, and riots as the beginning of sorrows, then he speaks of the persecution of the Church for the sake of our Lord Jesus Christ, he speaks of the preaching of the gospel everywhere in the world. world, and in Mark 13:13 it says: "And you will be hated by all because of my name; BUT HE WHO PERSEVERES TO THE END WILL BE SAVED."
Then he talks about the Coming of Our Lord which really is the only sign that will come of Himself appearing on the clouds and not secretly, because the Bible says "EVERY EYE WILL SEE IT, He does not come sneaking humiliated, He comes as KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS.
Something special is said in Saint Mark 13 and it speaks of the sun darkening , that the moon will no longer shine, and the stars will fall from the sky, and the powers of the heavens will be moved.
I do not know if they already realized that the new moon is appearing in the form of a U, when before it appeared in the form of a C, logically who has moved has been the earth since the last five largest earthquakes since the 1900s, and the last Stronger were that of Chile and the Japanese tsunami , and they are not a few degrees, due to the inclination of the moon and because the image of the earth is reflected on the moon and today it looks different, even a little more distant. apart from the fact that the powers of the heavens are already being shaken, there have been alerts of possible tsunamis in Central America and what really happened was that a meteor fell in Russia, that the sun goes dark can be for two reasons, because the sun has its hydrogen has been worn out a lot and it is using its helium, it would be close to extinction, the sun was drained for many hours by a black sphere that for some was a UFO the size of the earth, I do not believe in that, but I do believe in black holes, but to me it seems like a hole black of the size of the land in March 2012, began to drain the sun and pass close to the average according to experts 80 hours and the upcoming five hours the stay sun like they would have hurt him; and another reason may be due to environmental pollution , an oil burning can cause that and it could be due to the solar flares so strong that even at five in the afternoon the sun burns, apart from the five oil spills that have existed and have polluted our world, the last that of the Gulf of Mexico , which in turn has polluted the seas to equal the pollution that ocaciono the Fukushima nuclear plant in Japan , the scientists were saying that they had to release some energy nuclear at sea to avoid serious damage to the earth, yet they have done or not, Japan is this sinking, China also , if released energy can this be the explanation of why the fish are dying coupled with global warming and the melting of the poles , the deterioration of the ozone layer, excessive solar flares because we are at maximum solar, and nuclear energy in the waters, are destroying marine animals, apart from whether birds are dying excessively is because birds eat fish, and the fish are contaminated, and the environment is polluted, the waters are polluted, apart from we also do not know if the tsunami in Japan was the product of a large meteorite having fallen into the sea, just as the other tsunamis.
If the earth is destroyed as the Bible speaks, with fire, or as it is spoken in the war of Armageddon , for me what could cause those who fight at Armageddon to pop their eyes and die can be an atomic bomb in Ezekiel 39: 6-20 it says that God will send FIRE, and they will be buried for 7 months; As everyone knows, wars are now planned to be atomic .
Waters turned into blood, hail, tornadoes of fire, is not this case fire mesclado with blood and hail speaks Revelation know if I believe that God will come soon but the time will be confused, and need to be filled with the Spirit Santo, and this is My criteria based not on theological knowledge of what someone taught me and I believed their theories , which later turned them into doctrines, but are the result of reading the word of God and making comparisons with the news that I have shared on this blog. , from what was found on the internet, by secular newspapers, as we are already in apocalypse and it is not time to back down , Christ is at the gates, I do not know when he will come, we do not know but everything that is happening announces the coming of the Lord.
If you He is sad for the discipline of the Lord in his life I suggest not to go back, God corrects his mistress, and he hates arrogance and wickedness, I say it from my own experience, but the blessings that he gives after enduring his discipline are nice because We do not consider ourselves good enough to go to heaven for our works but we know what God's mercy is, for all the misguided, for all the good children and for those who do not know Jesus , he loves them, but soon not will come as a Lamb but as a judge, he is the person between the names and titles more than two hundred, but now this with open arms to heal our heart , we will let qu heal us?
One of the biggest questions I have had since the day I read, Matthew 24, and many passages from Holy Scripture say otherwise, one of my questions was Why if the whole world preaches the rapture before the Tribulation the Lord Jesus, does he say the opposite? Never in my life have I considered that God, nor that my Jesus, nor that the Beloved Holy Spirit play with my intellect, ever.
On March 23, 2013, the government of the United States of America , will execute a mandatory health reform and will identify 100, 000 people that day with an alleged credit card, which is nothing more than a chip , in the hand or on the forehead , with the intention that in the period of 3 years that chip will be the identity document of that country, plus the addition, that no one will be able to buy or sell without that chip implanted in their body; it's just like the Book of Revelation 14: 9 says, which talks about the seal of the beast, whether this is the seal of the beast or not, I do n't know , but that is a very big step to a new world order, that it is undoubted.
It is a pity that in our country nothing is said about it, because when the news came out, what it said was a credit card to the bearer, and about it neither the religious leaders of the largest Churches in the country say anything.
This article was published on August 11, 2012 , on that date I already had time to investigate various things.
Today March 25, 2020, I want to add many more things , to reach this conclusion, they do not know how much I pray, because it is not easy to say this .
Send several letters to several pastors, some theologians , theology students and brothers, many believed , and comienzaron to investigate also , others have clung to past teachings .
But I can say the Lord we gave a powerful weapon to show me the truth and his word, and prayer and fasting , has given us the beloved Espiritu Santo, and yet not leave my amazement and not the magnitude of what could happen , and it hurts to know that those who read this article also will hurt to know we are in apocalypse remind you this is not our home, we must be strong and courageous and approach more to the Lord, to reach the true ending to the , because THIS IS NOT OUR HOME.
I have reviewed the writing and saw that many events which the Lord allowed me to know through his word could compare it with international news, and now in his mercy I know that we are already in Revelation and that the Church passed part of the tribulation of the Apocalypse , which is not seven years as such and as taught by theologians, because in fact when seeing the events anyone could say when everything would end, but some events are needed to be fulfilled, almost everything has been fulfilled and some of us have not even noticed , I can not say when'd just seven years, since not seven human years we already had , we are extra, and that the seals of the apocalypse has long been opened and what has happened is that it has intensified, we have already passed the fifth seal of the apocalypse, and we carry several trumpets, that almost everything is accomplished, that the sixth seal and the seventh trumpet are united in the same event that they are a me ga earthquake.
That since 2014 it has been announced by Pope Francis that he had already started World War III, that this event of coronavirus, even if it is created by man, is part of the plague that would kill a good part of the world population, and the the start of new viruses that will end a good part of the world population, as the Bible says, that many Christians are praying, but only receiving Christ, humbling ourselves and turning away from evil and obeying and being faithful for love of the Lord is ours guarantee of eternal life.
and for today my research has fallen short, but I want to add these events that once investigate international news and are not complete because there was a time that decidei not investigate more , but keep me for the Lord, and let things happen , are the following:
From 2008 to date: SEVERAL RIVERS, SEAS AND LAKES TURNED INTO RED BLOOD: Revelation 16: 5-6 “You are righteous, O Lord, who you are, and that you were, the Holy One, because you have judged these things. Because they shed the blood of the saints and the prophets, you have also given them blood to drink because they deserve it. ”
Rio de Medellín 2008
The Canadian Falls
San Angelo Lake, State Park, Texas July 27, 2011
Norwalk River in Ohio April 2011
The Azov Sea in Russia
Beirut River February 16, 2012
Lake La Camargue , France, in August 2012
Yang River tze China, September 6, 2012
African Lake September 13, 2012
The beaches of Sydney Australia on November 27, 2012
Rio Menfhis 2012 , to date more are added . In addition to some other waters in Antarctica, Australia and Iran, I do not know for now how many waters are changing but this year it intensified more, some attribute the color red, to toxic algae, the Russians however are more decent, since Despite being eminences in science, they say they find no logical explanation for this phenomenon. (You can search on You Tube for a video called RIVERS AND SEAS OF THE WORLD CONVERTED IN BLOOD and you will find similar reports)
There are also other parallel phenomena such as:
Giant Hail Shower: (which have been uploaded by international news and amateur videos under the name of hail, hail shower, and will appear similar, always on You Tube or google )
This phenomenon has occurred in countries such as Spain, Colombia, Argentina, Texas, Mexico, among other countries, the size of the hail is large, in Colombia in a few minutes, several vehicles were trapped and drivers and passengers had to be rescued in an emergency.
Blood Showers:
In Badoo , Colombia in 2008, in India this year in the months of June, and July, September in different parts of India, announcements of blood rains in England.
Rains of Sand: In the United States in different places.
Black Rains: Black rains falling in Chile, last year.
Tornadoes of Fire, or Columns of Fire: In Italy, and Australia and in different parts of the world, columns more than 30 meters high from earth to heaven.
Waterspouts or Sea Cyclones: Fish flying through the air, even coins.
DEATH OF BIRDS AND FISH WORLDWIDE: In Arkansas, E : U and in different States. US have killed many fish and birds in Spain, Peru, Italy, Ecuador, Chile (3,000 dolphins this year), in the Rio Amazonas 10 , 000,000 dead fish. For example: 5000 Birds that are disoriented and crashed into buildings in Arkansas. And other places in the world. They attribute these deaths to water heating, I don't think much of that, maybe that more radiation pollution in the water, more oil spill will give that result. When the Bible says that the 3rd part of the ships would be destroyed, personally I do not know if it is an error in the wording, which instead of saying ships, would have to say BIRDS. I don't know but what they are dying are birds.
In addition to the fish, thousands of crabs have been coming out of the sea and pulling off their claws, they seem to want to escape something. Dead whales, animals that seem to run away from the seabed
THE SUN: The sun, is composed of Hydrogen and Helium, it is estimated that by itself , the sun represents 98.6 of the solar system, that the sun supports all forms of life on earth, and conducts the climate on earth and meteorology .
Apparently the sun has already been wounded, this 2013 NASA says that we will have 6 years of maximum solar activity, and most of us have felt those effects, in the United States although on other occasions it has happened in some places the heat was so intense that even the Car tires melted on the pavement, apparently reaching 150 degrees heat. American nuclear plants were in great danger, and I imagine they remain a danger, as they no longer had the ability to contain radiation.
In 2012 That year a black sphere was placed next to the sun and apparently began to extract its energy, then the sun was left injured, not forgetting that those of us who sometimes follow some news about the sun can see the famous solar storms that have caused Even this year that China and Australia will be left without communication, due to the large interference that solar flares have caused, and NASA says that this solar intensity may cause air accidents, and many other disasters, in the next 6 years from now on. .
Without forgetting that the sun gives color to water, and from it by divine probity everything that exists in our solar system stays afloat, if the sun dies, everything that exists is known to die with it. Nowadays, if the heat of the sun increases more, the grass will die, then the animals, then man.
THE EARTH: The melting of the poles, due to global warming, will cause floods and also the extinction of some species.
Apart from the fact that the earth has already tilted 26 degrees to its right, and where the Greenwich meridian used to be, nowadays the Tropic of Capricorn remains, for this reason time has been shortened, and the animals seem disoriented, apart that the different seasons of the year have varied, and the seasons of the year have undergone great changes, such is the example of the winter that Russia has suffered this month, it has been one of the strongest in 70 years, to speak about this is to also speak in the different places that the moon appears today, and in the different places that the sun is giving its glow every day, and this process changes from one day to the next, without forgetting that there are electromagnetic currents between earth-sun-moon that They are related to each other , and that the change of any of them affects the others, however, in my opinion, there is no doubt that the one who has moved from its axis is the earth, and not the sun or the moon.
The earth has its own heat, and it is big, not only have we seen too many earthquakes but there have also been many threats of volcanoes about to erupt, apart from the fact that in different parts of the earth there are subsidence, and huge cracks, we have seen: it seems to me that in 2011 huge gullies appeared in front of Sertracen , in Cojutepeque and in La Libertad, last year and this year, and there are many reports on the internet of this phenomenon in other countries, by For example, huge cracks in the earth have appeared in Spain, in Mexico and many other countries.
Forest fires caused by heat, water shortages, if someone travels and passes near Cítala, the Rio Lempa, which was very abundant, is no longer so in summer, one gets wet the calcañales, has been drying up due to the abuse that we ourselves have committed against the , but also because of the heat, which call evaporation and then low to the ground by condensation, and rain or precipitation process, this winter was quite dry.
The Japan Earthquake and Tsunami or Japan Tsunami: It brought serious consequences for the earth, to such an extent that Japanese scientists have stated that the Fukushima nuclear plant had sunk 80 cm. 2 months ago, and they needed to release a little of that nuclear energy at sea or that could cause great global chaos, there is a video of this disaster where clearly a rider and his horse seem to come out of the sea and was captured by a secular newscast, and the title is Rider of the Apocalypse out of the Japanese Tsunami , so there is also another video where the yellow rider clearly appears out of a lawsuit in Cairo Egypt.
Should also not forget that there have been other earthquakes and tsunamis, that of Chile, probably the The earth has its own heat, and is great, not only have seen too many earthquakes but also have many threats from volcanoes to erupt apart from the fact that in different parts of the earth there are sinkings, and enormous cracks, we have seen it: it seems to me that in 2011 huge gullies appeared overnight in front of Sertracen , in Cojutepeque and in La Libertad, the year just Last and this year, and there are many reports on the internet of this phenomenon in other countries, for example in Spain, huge cracks in the earth have appeared, in Mexico and many other countries.
Forest fires caused by heat, water shortages, if someone travels and passes near Cítala, the Rio Lempa, which was very abundant, is no longer so in summer, one gets wet the calcañales, has been drying up due to the abuse that we ourselves have committed against the , but also because of the heat, which call evaporation and then low to the ground by condensation, and rain or precipitation process, this winter was quite dry.
The Japan Earthquake and Tsunami or Japan Tsunami: It brought serious consequences for the earth, to such an extent that Japanese scientists have stated that the Fukushima nuclear plant had sunk 80 cm. 2 months ago, and they needed to release a little of that nuclear energy at sea or that could cause great global chaos, there is a video of this disaster where clearly a rider and his horse seem to come out of the sea and was captured by a secular newscast, and the title is Rider of the Apocalypse out of the Japanese Tsunami , so there is also another video where the yellow rider clearly appears out of a lawsuit in Cairo Egypt.
Should also not forget that there have been other earthquakes and tsunamis, that of Chile, probably the The earth has its own heat, and is great, not only have seen too many earthquakes but also have many threats from volcanoes to erupt apart from the fact that in different parts of the earth there are sinkings, and enormous cracks, we have seen it: it seems to me that in 2011 huge gullies appeared overnight in front of Sertracen , in Cojutepeque and in La Libertad, the year just Last and this year, and there are many reports on the internet of this phenomenon in other countries, for example in Spain, huge cracks in the earth have appeared, in Mexico and many other countries.
Forest fires caused by heat, water shortages, if someone travels and passes near Cítala, the Rio Lempa, which was very abundant, is no longer so in summer, one gets wet the calcañales, has been drying up due to the abuse that we ourselves have committed against the , but also because of the heat, which call evaporation and then low to the ground by condensation, and rain or precipitation process, this winter was quite dry.
The Japan Earthquake and Tsunami or Japan Tsunami: It brought serious consequences for the earth, to such an extent that Japanese scientists have stated that the Fukushima nuclear plant had sunk 80 cm. 2 months ago, and they needed to release a little of that nuclear energy at sea or that could cause great global chaos, there is a video of this disaster where clearly a rider and his horse seem to come out of the sea and was captured by a secular newscast, and the title is Rider of the Apocalypse out of the Japanese Tsunami , so there is also another video where the yellow rider clearly appears out of a lawsuit in Cairo Egypt.
It should not be forgotten also that there have been other earthquakes and tidal waves, that of Chile, probably the
Cause of the dead fish is this, apart from the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, the death of the birds may also be due to the fact that they eat fish.
THE MOON: The moon exerts gravity on the earth and produces what we know as a tide, the moon serves as a stabilizer for the earth and by that inclination the seasons occur. This year large anomalies are seen on the moon, its way of appearing, it is clear that the one who has moved is the earth and not the moon, but it will cause serious damage, since the electromagnetic currents between sun, earth and moon are already uneven.
THE EUFRATES RIVER: It is a river that has a spiritual meaning, it has been drying up greatly, and Russia and China, have been drumming together since April of this year, and Russia has shown a Tank called the Flying Tank, they have also decided to end the Arab & Israeli war, to such an extent that this year they put some ships in front of Syria, apart from knowing that the sleeping giant of China has already awakened. It has 200,000,000 soldiers, probably more, its technology is strong, and everything indicates that the third world war will be so strong, and it could be a nuclear war and that the first and second world war will probably look like a cartoon, in comparison of the third. Everything is ready for Armageddon.
The Temple of Israel is now ready, and will soon be on the surface; The US is about to stop helping Israel, that is coming.
And since 2005, Rav YITZAK KADURI, considered a prophet of catastrophes in Israel, at his 105 years of life, said that he would reveal the name of the Messiah, that he had revealed himself to him in vision, and had told him that he was coming
soon for his people, and that it would be a little after the death of the Israeli minister Ariel Sharon; and the Rav said that he would write down the name of the Messiah and how to recognize him, and that this note was his wish to be released one year after his death, so it was that in the month of April 2007, the Name of the Messiah was Yeshua, to the funeral of the Rav , was attended by more than 200,000 people and was released the news in selected newspapers in Israel, and Orthodox Jews tried to rebut the note of the Rav , however two of the disciples more people close to the Rav Kaduri , and her son confirmed such a revelation. And they said that that was the letter of the Rav Kaduri , and everything that he said about that revelation is on his websiteb , and this video can be seen on you tube .
WEIRD NOISES AROUND THE WORLD : In January of this year, and on September 26 of this year, I heard such a dreadful and inexplicable noise, it really seemed like the sound of a shofar , but with metals, this led me to search if there was something else, and if a similar noise appeared in all parts of the world, to such a degree that CNN captured these sounds in different parts of the world at the same time; Bible scholars say that no one can hear them, the Bible does not say that, we speculate that , look for them as if it could be, this was real.
There is a lot of news that I am not aware of, but everything I have stated is verified by international news in each country where I have mentioned these things, you can also see them in red hot, on you tube , if you search on Google , you can see them in secular news.
As for the seals of the apocalypse, we are obviously in the fifth seal, since the first seal begins with the appearance of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the other seals until the fifth seal what happens is
that they intensify, in the fifth seal since our brothers in the old world many are persecuted and killed because of the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.
The Sixth Seal is an earthquake that is waiting to happen, and that joins the last earthquake that is mentioned in the seventh trumpet of the apocalypse, but it also seems to be the same one that occurs when the witnesses rise to heaven, and it is the day of the final judgment, after Armageddon, obviously, but they end with a great world earthquake, others mention three earthquakes, others two, in my case I see a great earthquake when I chase the footnotes. From my Bible, and speculating for me that the Tsunami was some meteorite that fell into the sea, and that it made a great boom, if I have heard that scientists are waiting for another meteorite; Well, I see that theologians first say the seven seals will pass, then the seven trumpets, and well, but they do not think that some things will wait a certain time, as has happened with the seventy weeks that the prophet Daniel spoke, there the time of God has been fulfilled and not that of men, so it can happen with the apocalypse, if I think that the Seven Cups of the wrath of God will be for the final judgment, those if I do not believe the people of God see them, but everything else we are seeing.
The rapture of the Church from what I have read if it occurs before the day of the final judgment and is in the seventh trumpet, because Mr. Jesus swears that the time would not be more, but when the Angel begins to sound the trumpet, the mystery of God is finished, as the I announced to his servants the prophets Revelation 10: 7, we shall see God, and God punished, but the church if it happened according to Matthew 24 , the tribulation on earth. In fact, each day the sun burns more and we all suffer it, or not.
I think it was too daring of us to put in how long this is all supposed to last. The only thing that is true is the Bible.
As for the way of interpreting, then obviously I would have to respect what 1 Peter 1: 20 says "Understanding first of all that no prophecy of Scripture is of private interpretation."
However, there is something that cannot be exchanged and it is the healthy doctrine, this if it is not of private interpretation, it is as it is and it has no backwardness, it is trying to fulfill it and if we achieve it it is fully by the mercy of God and the blood of his Holy Son, and the help of the Beloved Holy Spirit.
I heard a preacher quite a theologian say that God the Father was not interested in unsaved people realizing that his coming was near, he was sheltering in St. Matthew 24, and that the end was near, but I see all these events and I believe quite the opposite, if I see God giving all men the opportunity to repent of their sins, I see places where the gospel has been announced although there are many who have not been converted but as if it is necessary to understand that the gospel would be preached In the whole world, it does not mean that people would be converted, and that the proclamation of the gospel in many places has already happened and very few will be missing, but the drastic events that are taking place make the same unconverted people somehow quote the Bible. The only thing is that many people who do not know how to seek and receive the Lord and others will never want to receive Him.
Revelation 9:20 "And the other men who were not slain by these plagues, yet did not repent of the work of their hands, nor ceased to worship the demons, and the images of gold, silver, bronze, stone and of wood, which cannot see, hear , or walk.
And they did not repent of their murders, nor of their sorceries, nor of their fornication, nor of their thefts. ”
For me, the rapture of the Church will occur before the day of the Last Judgment, when the Bible says that the FINAL TRUMPET , but the tribulation as if we are going to pass it, is more like we are already in it. The inclination of the earth has caused the shortening of the days. And there will be a time when the 4 winds of the earth are not going to blow more Apocalypse. 7: 1, I imagine there will be no rotation, no translation on earth, time will apparently stop, and however crazy this may seem, those who survive Armageddon will have the age at which they entered their mortal bodies. . When the earth is destroyed the heat of the earth plus the heat of the sun, but the atomic explosions will destroy the earth, and the powers of the heavens moved, will destroy it, the earth will be exploded from its core and out of it .
From this point who wants the prosperity gospel, if really the only thing that will not perish will be our works in God, and at this moment the kingdom of heaven has approached men in a spiritual way, the forgiveness of sins, mercy of the Lord, His Grace, etc. , his spiritual freedom from the chains that bind us, etc. , if there can be an economic blessing, but they will not give us the kingdoms of the world, not even the Lord Jesus has taken them from the hand of the enemy, He will up to The Seventh Trumpet Revelation 11:15 “The Seventh Angel (It is the Lord Jesus) blew the trumpet, and there were great voices in heaven, saying: The kingdoms of the world have become of our Lord and his Christ; and he will reign for ever and ever. ” So if the he has not taken us less.
It has been difficult for me to overcome all this, sometimes I wonder about my family, because we all want the best for our family, but not all of us ask for them to be converted, and that is the most valuable thing to inherit eternal life, and I believe that as Christians we only know You can overcome all this by being completely filled with the Holy Spirit of God….
Why the Church will be like the ten virgins, there is something clear, money in the world exists in abundance, recessions are planned, but there are natural events that no matter how many Haarps there are, man will never be able to control, let's be clear that the owners It is not in the interest of the media that we all know everything, in addition in our country there is only little emphasis on death, violence by gangs, crime, intra-family, poverty, they are not even interested in HIV, or large demographic statistics, etc. , everything It is a worship to obtain a good economic position, an excellent political position, a life completely full of pleasures, and a life of fun, indiscriminate sex as that was the best thing in life, you see it on screen, you hear it in music, passion is confused with love, and the best bodies, or hedonism, from that point of view if it is the powerful people on the planet who control what we see, we use it We, and what we eat, we can realize that there is money, but for this particular group that we do not need money, but now its objective is to control others, it is convenient for them to have a new world order, this ministry of iniquity that in all times it has always existed, which is a desire of satan in order to overthrow the power of God, in order to control the little free will that humanity has, these powers that together are nefarious, and have fought for this for a long time.
February 15, 2013 To this date new tsunami events on Solomon Island of Australia, resignation of Pope Venedict XVI, there are 3 possible candidates to be pope, and this next one may be the false prophet of the Apocalypse; Meteorite fell in Russia, and are waiting for the fall of another more , and left many injured and some missing, Spain continues negotiations to have a single currency, the best course would be the ship ...
TSUNAMIS, TYPHONS, EARTHQUAKES, TAMMOTES, VOLCANOES ABOUT TO ERUPT, CRACKS AND SINKS IN DIFFERENT PARTS OF THE WORLD, POLE MELTING, GLOBAL WARMING, FOOD SHORTAGES, EXTREME FOODS, ANIMALS, ANIMALS , DEATH DUE TO ILLNESS, VIOLENCE AND DISASTERS, MARINE ANIMALS GOING TO THE SHORES OF THE BEACHES, ONE OF TWO OF THE WATERFALLS OF CANADA THIS YEAR IS DRY, THE DUCKS INHABITED IN CANADA RAISED THEIR FLIGHT USED TO THE SOUTH TO REPRODUCE AND SUSPEND CHICKENS, LIFTED THEIR FLIGHT AND RETURNED, USA with a new Law where any citizen can be killed only with suspicion, Singers says that Christians unabashedly worshiping satan such is the case of Anette Moreno is her guardian song of the door of the love, where he asks for help from two characters to Amon and Walloon (which appear according to some connoisseurs in the Satanic Bible ), Owls on the roof of one of the Iglesi as more large in our country, owls are used in things of the enemy or worship God or the enemy we define ourselves , ecumenism, pastors saying that it is normal for the ship , etc. cannibalism, and much more .
Gospel ministers reproaching the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ by marrying multiple times with different women.
Pseudo- evangelical pastors, and Gay marrying and marrying the congregation at gay weddings, supporting gay and lesbian relationships and making it public on social media. Alleged Christian dances with half-naked women in the temples of the Lord , hinting that God is love and these unlawful acts are performed of course love.
Oh, no, God is happy, his judgments are callendo this world but pray nations will not regret.
Unquestionably everything points to OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST COMING SOON.
Since my childhood these verses generated so much commotion in me , and ask and ask which was the trumpet, the answer given most pastors have no biblical foundation. Let's see
1st. Corinthians 15: 51-52 always captivates my mind:
"51 Behold, I tell you a mystery: We will not all sleep, but we will all be transformed,
52 in a moment, in the blink of an eye, at the final trumpet; because the trumpet will be blown, and the dead will be raised incorruptible, and we ... "
Let's see what else the Lord's word says about it:
SIGNS BEFORE THE END (St. Matthew 24: 3-51)
24.3. Then sitting on the Mount of Olives, his disciples approached him privately, and said to him: Tell us when that will happen, and what will be the sign of your coming and the end of the world.
24.4. Jesus answered them: See that no one deceives you.
24.5. Because many will come usurping my name and saying: "I am the Christ", and they will deceive many.
24.6. You will also hear about wars and rumors of wars. Be careful, don't be alarmed! Because that needs to happen, but it is not the end yet.
24.7. For nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be famines and earthquakes in various places.
24.8. All this will be the beginning of labor pains.
24.9. Then they will torture you and kill you, and you will be hated by all nations because of my name. (Matthew 10: 22 | "And you will be hated by all because of my name; but he who endures to the end will be saved").
24.10. Many will then be scandalized and betray and hate each other.
24.11. Many false prophets will arise, deceiving many.
24.12. And as iniquity grows more and more, the charity of the majority will grow cold.
24.13. But whoever endures to the end will be saved.
24.14. This Good News of the Kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the world, to bear witness to all nations. And then the end will come.
Matthew 24.15 | When you see, then, the abomination of desolation, announced by the prophet Daniel, erected in the Holy Place (whoever reads, who understands). (Daniel 9: 26-27 | which pertinently says: “And after the sixty-two weeks the Messiah will be killed, but not for himself, and the people of a prince who is to come will destroy the city and the sanctuary, and its end will be with flooding, and until the end of the war the devastations will last. And for another week, it will confirm the covenant with many ; and in the middle of the week, it will make the sacrifice and offering cease. Then with the crowd of abominations the desolate will come, until the consummation comes, and what is determined will spill over the desolate "); ( 2 Thessalonians 2: 1-12 MANIFESTATION OF THE MAN OF SIN But regarding the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and our meeting with him, we ask you, brothers, 2: 2 not to allow yourselves to move easily in your way of thinking, Do not be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as if it were ours, in the sense that the day of the Lord is near. 2: 3 Let no one deceive you in any way, because it will not come without the coming of apostasy, and the man of sin manifests himself, the son of perdition, 2: 4 who opposes and rises up against everything that is called God or is worshiped; as much as he sits in the temple of God as God, posing as God ( related to Daniel 11:36 ; " And the king will do his will and be proud and exalt himself over every god, and speak wonders against the God of the gods, and prosper until anger is consummated, for the determined will be fulfilled. The God of his parents will not pay attention , nor the master r of women, nor will he respect any God, because above all he will exalt himself. But instead he will honor the god of fortresses, a god his parents did not know; He will honor him with gold and silver, with precious stones and with things of great price. With a foreign god he will make himself the most impregnable fortresses, and will honor those who recognize him, and he will divide the land for a price. ” 2: 5 Do you not remember that when I was still with you, I said this to you? 2: 6 And now you know what is holding it back, so that in due course it may manifest. 2: 7 For the mystery of iniquity is already at work; only there are those who presently stop him, until he, in turn, is removed from the middle. 2: 8 And then shall that wicked one be revealed, whom the Lord will slay with the spirit of his mouth, and will destroy with the brightness of his coming; 2: 9 wicked whose advent is by the work of Satan, with great power and signs and lying wonders, 2:10 and with all deceit of iniquity for those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth to be saved. 2:11 For this reason God sends them a deceitful power, so that they believe the lie, 2:12 so that all those who did not believe the truth, but took pleasure in injustice, would be condemned. Chosen for salvation ”).
Matthew 24.16. then , those who are in Judea, flee to the mountains;
24.17. he who is on the roof, do not go down to collect things from his house;
24.18. and let him who is in the field not return in search of his cloak.
24.19. Woe to those who are pregnant or raising in those days!
24.20. Pray that your flight does not happen in winter or on Saturday.
24.21. For then there will be a great tribulation, which there was not from the beginning of the world to the present, nor will there ever be.
24.22. And if those days were not abbreviated, nobody would be saved; but in attention to the elect those days will be abbreviated.
24.23. So if someone says to you: "Look, the Christ is here or there, don't believe it.
24.24. Because false christs and false prophets will arise , who will do great signs and wonders, capable of deceiving, if possible, the elect themselves.
24.25. See that I have foretold you!
24.26. So if they tell you: "It is in the desert", do not go out; "It's in the rooms," don't believe it.
24.27. For as the lightning flashes from the east and shines to the west, so will the coming of the Son of man be.
24.28. Wherever the carcass is, there the vultures will gather.
24.29 | Immediately after the tribulation of those days, the sun will darken, the moon will not shine, the stars will fall from heaven, and the forces of heaven will be shaken . (Revelation 6: 12-14 || “And look when he opened the sixth seal, and behold, there was a great earthquake, and the sun turned black as sackcloth, and the moon turned all as blood, and the stars of the Heaven fell on the earth, as the fig tree drops its figs when it is shaken by a strong wind. And the sky vanished like parchment that is rolled up and every mountain and every island was removed from its place. "). (Isaiah 13: 9-11, 13 | "Behold, the day of Jehovah is coming, terrible and with indignation and burning with anger, to turn the earth into solitude, and to destroy its sinners from it. And I will punish the world for its wickedness, and the wicked for their iniquity, and I will cause the arrogance of the proud to cease, and I will bring down the haughtiness of the strong: 13. For I will cause the heavens to shake, and the earth shall move from its place in the indignation of Jehovah of The Armies, and in the day of the burning of his anger ”).
24.30 | Then the sign of the Son of man will appear in heaven; and then all the races of the earth will strike their chests and they will see the Son of man coming on the clouds of heaven with great power and glory. (Revelation 15-17 | And the kings of the earth and the great and the rich, the captains, the mighty, and every servant, and all free, hid themselves in the caves and among the rocks of the mountains; and they said to the Mount the rocks already, fall upon us, hide us from the face of him who sits on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb, for the great day of his wrath has come, and who can stand upright? "). (Malachi 3: 1-2 | “Behold, I have sent my messenger, who will prepare the way before me, and the Lord whom you seek, and the Angel of the covenant, whom you desire, will suddenly come to his temple. here comes Jehovah of Hosts has said. And who will be able to bear the time of his coming? Or who will be able to stand when he manifests himself? Because he is like a purifying fire, and like soap of washers
Matthew 24.31. He will send His angels with a loud trumpet, and they will gather His elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other. (This is after the tribulation) (1 Thessalonians 4:16 | "For the Lord Himself will come down from heaven with the voice of command, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trumpet of God ; and the dead in Christ will rise first." 1 CORINTHIANS 15: 51 | " Behold , I tell you a mystery: Not all of us will sleep, but we will all be transformed. 1 Corinthians 15:52 | In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, AT THE LAST TRUMPET ( When is the final trumpet? ), because the trumpet is blown , and the dead will be raised incorruptible, and we will be transformed.) Thessalonians 4: 17-18 | Then we who are living, who are left, will be caught up together with them in the clouds to receive the Lord in the air, and thus we will always be with the Lord. Thessalonians 4:18 | Therefore, encourage one another with these words "). (Revelation 7: 9-17 | The multitude dressed in white robes 9 After this I looked, and behold, a great multitude, which no one could count, from all nations and tribes and peoples and languages, who stood before the throne and in the presence of the Lamb, clothed in white robes, and with palms in their hands, 10 and they cried out with a loud voice, saying: Salvation belongs to our God who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb. 11 And all the angels were in standing around the throne, and of the elders and of the four living creatures, and they fell on their faces before the throne, and worshiped God, 12 saying, Amen. Blessing and glory and wisdom and thanksgiving and honor and power and strength be to our God for ever and ever, Amen. ” 13 Then one of the elders spoke, saying to me, Who are they that are clothed in white robes, who are they, and where did they come from? 14 I said to him: Lord, you know it. And he said to me: These are the ones who have out of the great tribulation , and have washed their clothes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb. 15 For this reason they stand before the throne of God, and serve him day and night in his temple; and he who sits on the throne will spread his tabernacle over them. 16 They will no longer hunger or thirst, and the sun will no longer fall on them, nor any heat; 17 because the Lamb that is in the middle of the throne will shepherd them, and will guide them to sources of waters of life; and God will wipe away every tear from their eyes ”).
Matthew 24.32. From the fig tree learn this parable: when its branches are already tender and the leaves are sprouting, you know that summer is near.
24.33. So you also, when you see all this , know that He is near, at the doors.
24.34. I assure you that this generation will not pass until all this happens.
24.35. Heaven and earth will pass, but my words will not pass.
24.36. More than that day and hour, no one knows anything, not the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.
24.37. As in the days of Noah, so will be the coming of the Son of man.
24.38. For as in the days that preceded the flood, they ate, drank, took a wife or husband, until the day that Noah entered the ark,
24.39. and they did not realize until the flood came and dragged them all, so will also be the coming of the Son of man. (Matthew 25: 1 - | “Then the Kingdom of Heaven will be like ten virgins, who, with their lamp in hand, went out to meet the bridegroom. 25: 2 | Five of them were foolish, and five were wise. 25 : 3 | Indeed, the foolish did not provide themselves with oil when they took their lamps, 25: 4 | but the wise, along with their lamps, took oil in the crusts. 25: 5 | They all fell asleep and fell asleep. 25: 6 | But in the middle of the night a cry was heard: "The bridegroom is here! Go out to meet him!" 25: 7 | Then all those virgins got up and fixed their lamps. : 8 | And the foolish said to the prudent: "Give us of your oil, that our lamps go out." 25: 9 But the prudent replied: "No, lest it not be enough for us and for you; it is better that you go where the sellers and you buy it. "25: 10 | While they were going to buy it, the bridegroom came, and those who were prepared entered the wedding party with him, and closed or the door.25: 11 | Later the other virgins came saying, "Lord, Lord, open to us!" 25: 12 | But he replied: "Truly, I say to you, I do not know you.") ( Matthew 25: 13 | Watch therefore, because you do not know the day or the hour ”). (2 Peter 3: 3- 4; 10 | "Knowing this first, that mockers will come in the last days walking according to their own lusts. And saying: Where is the promise of his advent? For from the day the parents slept all things continue as well as from the beginning of creation ; 10 | But the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night, in which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt, and the earth and the works They will be burned in them ”) 1 Thessalonians 5: 2-3 “ Because you know perfectly well that the day of the Lord will come as well as thieves in the night. That when they say peace and security, then sudden destruction will come upon them, like the pains of the woman on tape, and they will not escape ”); (Revelation 19: 1-10 | “ 1.After this I heard a great voice from a great multitude in heaven, saying : Hallelujah! Salvation and honor and glory and power are from the Lord our God; 2 because his judgments are true and righteous, for he has judged the great harlot who has corrupted the earth by her fornication, and has avenged the blood of her servants by her hand. 3 Again they said , " Hallelujah! And her smoke rises up the forever and ever. 4 And the twenty-four elders and the four living creatures fell down on the ground and worshiped God, who was sitting on the throne, and said , " Amen! Hallelujah!" 5 And a voice came out of the throne saying: Praise our God all his servants, and those that fear him, both small and great. 6 And I heard like the voice of a great multitude, like the roar of many waters, and like the voice of great thunder, saying : !! Hallelujah, for the Lord our Almighty God reigns ! 7 Let us rejoice and be glad and give him glory; for they ha After the marriage of the Lamb, and his wife has prepared. 8 And she has been granted to dress in fine linen, clean and shining; because fine linen is the righteous actions of the saints. The marriage supper of the Lamb 9 And the angel said to me: Write: Blessed are those who are called to the marriage supper of the Lamb . And he said to me: These are true words of God. 10 I fell at his feet to worship him. And he said to me: Look, don't do it; I am a servant to you, and to your brothers who retain the testimony of Jesus. Worship God; because the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of the prophecy ”).
24: 41 | two women grinding in the mill: one is taken, the other left.
24.42. Watch therefore because you do not know what day your Lord will come.
24.43. Get it right: If the homeowner knew what time the thief was coming at night, he would be awake and would not allow his house to be burned. Matthew 24.44 | For this reason, you also must be prepared, because the moment you do not think, the Son of man will come . ( Revelation 16: 15 | “Behold, I come as a thief, blessed is he who watches, and keeps his clothes so that he does not walk naked, and see their shame. ") (Luke 12: 39-40 |" But know this that if the father of the family knew at what time the thief was to come, he would certainly watch and not allow his house to be mined. You also be prepared for at the hour that you do not think, the Son of Man will come. ”).
24.44. Therefore, you also be prepared, because at the moment you do not think, the Son of man will come.
24.45. Who, then, is the faithful and wise servant, whom the lord placed at the head of his servants to give them food in due season?
24.46. Blessed is that servant whom his master, upon arrival, finds doing so.
24.47. I assure you that he will put you in charge of all your finances.
24.48. But if that bad servant says to himself in his heart: "My lord is late,"
24.49. and he starts beating his companions and he eats and drinks with the drunkards,
24.50. will the lord of that servant does not expect the day and when you do not know,
Matthew 24.51 | it will separate him and point out his fate among the hypocrites; there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. (Matthew 8: 11-12 | “And I tell you, many will come from the East and the West, and will sit with Habraam and Isaac, and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven. But the sons of the kingdom will be cast into outer darkness. there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. "(Luke 13: 29-30 |" For they will come from the east and the west, from the north and the south, and will sit at the table in the kingdom of God. Behold, there is last who will be first, and first who will be last. ") (Matthew 19: 29-30 " And whoever has left houses, or brothers or sisters, or father or mother, or woman, or children or land by my name, will receive a hundred times more, and he will inherit eternal life. But many first will be last and last, first ").
In addition to the fact that our Lord Jesus Christ said in Matthew 28: 20 "... and I here I 'll be with you until the end of the world"; that reason our Lord we tell until the end of the world; When one reads Luke 13, he speaks of the signs BEFORE THE END, wars, famines, and riots as the beginning of sorrows, then he speaks of the persecution of the Church for the sake of our Lord Jesus Christ, he speaks of the preaching of the gospel everywhere in the world. world, and in Mark 13:13 it says: "And you will be hated by all because of my name; BUT HE WHO PERSEVERES TO THE END WILL BE SAVED."
Then he talks about the Coming of Our Lord which really is the only sign that will come of Himself appearing on the clouds and not secretly, because the Bible says "EVERY EYE WILL SEE IT, He does not come sneaking humiliated, He comes as KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS.
Something special is said in Saint Mark 13 and it speaks of the sun darkening , that the moon will no longer shine, and the stars will fall from the sky, and the powers of the heavens will be moved.
I do not know if they already realized that the new moon is appearing in the form of a U, when before it appeared in the form of a C, logically who has moved has been the earth since the last five largest earthquakes since the 1900s, and the last Stronger were that of Chile and the Japanese tsunami , and they are not a few degrees, due to the inclination of the moon and because the image of the earth is reflected on the moon and today it looks different, even a little more distant. apart from the fact that the powers of the heavens are already being shaken, there have been alerts of possible tsunamis in Central America and what really happened was that a meteor fell in Russia, that the sun goes dark can be for two reasons, because the sun has its hydrogen has been worn out a lot and it is using its helium, it would be close to extinction, the sun was drained for many hours by a black sphere that for some was a UFO the size of the earth, I do not believe in that, but I do believe in black holes, but to me it seems like a hole black of the size of the land in March 2012, began to drain the sun and pass close to the average according to experts 80 hours and the upcoming five hours the stay sun like they would have hurt him; and another reason may be due to environmental pollution , an oil burning can cause that and it could be due to the solar flares so strong that even at five in the afternoon the sun burns, apart from the five oil spills that have existed and have polluted our world, the last that of the Gulf of Mexico , which in turn has polluted the seas to equal the pollution that ocaciono the Fukushima nuclear plant in Japan , the scientists were saying that they had to release some energy nuclear at sea to avoid serious damage to the earth, yet they have done or not, Japan is this sinking, China also , if released energy can this be the explanation of why the fish are dying coupled with global warming and the melting of the poles , the deterioration of the ozone layer, excessive solar flares because we are at maximum solar, and nuclear energy in the waters, are destroying marine animals, apart from whether birds are dying excessively is because birds eat fish, and the fish are contaminated, and the environment is polluted, the waters are polluted, apart from we also do not know if the tsunami in Japan was the product of a large meteorite having fallen into the sea, just as the other tsunamis.
If the earth is destroyed as the Bible speaks, with fire, or as it is spoken in the war of Armageddon , for me what could cause those who fight at Armageddon to pop their eyes and die can be an atomic bomb in Ezekiel 39: 6-20 it says that God will send FIRE, and they will be buried for 7 months; As everyone knows, wars are now planned to be atomic .
Waters turned into blood, hail, tornadoes of fire, is not this case fire mesclado with blood and hail speaks Revelation know if I believe that God will come soon but the time will be confused, and need to be filled with the Spirit Santo, and this is My criteria based not on theological knowledge of what someone taught me and I believed their theories , which later turned them into doctrines, but are the result of reading the word of God and making comparisons with the news that I have shared on this blog. , from what was found on the internet, by secular newspapers, as we are already in apocalypse and it is not time to back down , Christ is at the gates, I do not know when he will come, we do not know but everything that is happening announces the coming of the Lord.
If you He is sad for the discipline of the Lord in his life I suggest not to go back, God corrects his mistress, and he hates arrogance and wickedness, I say it from my own experience, but the blessings that he gives after enduring his discipline are nice because We do not consider ourselves good enough to go to heaven for our works but we know what God's mercy is, for all the misguided, for all the good children and for those who do not know Jesus , he loves them, but soon not will come as a Lamb but as a judge, he is the person between the names and titles more than two hundred, but now this with open arms to heal our heart , we will let qu heal us?
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