jueves, 3 de octubre de 2019



John 8:36 "So if the Son will set you free, you will be truly free."
 (Reina Valera 1960 version)
Many speak of sleep paralysis in some cases the person simply cannot move, but from what I have seen and lived there are some differences between a sleep paralysis that can lead to feel the oppression that someone holds the throat, and You can't talk, it seems that you are suffocating one, pressing with your disproportionate weight the chest and body to another form of sleep paralysis where people who are victims have intimacy with demons, there are differences in fact it is already scary not being able move and feel immobilized, but it is probably worse to feel harassed by demons like the incubus that are female-looking demons that sexually attack men and succubi that are male-looking demons that sexually attack women, these demons in general are dedicated to having Sexual intercourse with humans, usually during sleep, there are even videos that reflect how these kinds of demons bother humans during sleep. It is not strange that some of these people can easily be sexual offenders of younger age, because their human spirit joins demonic spirits, who in turn for having provided sexual satisfaction leave them influenced to have an upcoming encounter, however the person will be by the same influence of these sensitive and to the expectation or the search for things that will lead to the next meeting.

There are certain indirect physical transmissions relatives who for some situation were slaves of a sin, and the demons do not want to leave that family they are territorial, but also some are assigned to families, but there is power in Jesus, to expel them from the lives of their Children who love him and want to please him. There are direct physical transmissions : the intimate, the desired ones, which one can sometimes cause influenced by demons if , but one allows them. 

These incubators and succubi also use memories of dating or past sexual unions, something we have to keep in mind is that these demons use past memories to lead the person to live in constant desire for fornication, those old memories of which people do not want to forget even though they are Christians and despite being married to other people, those memories call the incubators and succubi, even posing as dreams as the person remembered and they give the victim pleasure, so Sometimes the tie is difficult to break because the victim wants that experience to be rewarding and supposedly without major consequences because if she is a woman, she will obviously not get pregnant, although there are exceptions there are people who after these meetings her belly grows like a prolonged pregnancy and is never born any child, and they are tested and have no fibroids or disease; if he is a man, he will not be a father, however this experience is not only that he drains the energy only, or that he has physical evidence that he had intimacy with someone, it is more than that, the victim becomes a sexual slave of the devil's kingdom, tied to demons of adultery and fornication, of lust, of lewdness, that in fact this principality is related to other sexual demons, and if he continues to wish that these experiences happen to him and that because he argues that as they happen to him when he sleeps it is not his fault, in spite of that it is in fornication or adultery and the word of God says that adulterers will not enter the kingdom of heaven ... this is what these demons have won, behind all sin there is the sin of pride and rebellion against the will of God. These incubators and succubi become husbands and spiritual wives , they almost never allow the person to marry, their dating relationships are almost all failed, and if they have dating these demons try to destroy the courtships and / or the person's home, they are bad spirits of destruction, in all areas of life they do not let them prosper economically, academically or in family life they do not want them to have a good family life they do everything to destroy the person, they fight to steal even the minds of their victims, it is difficult for them to concentrate since they lose part of their physical and spiritual energy through these contacts, and they tend to be tired, and without working spirits, they usually feel sick and because of the wear and tear their bodies and minds do not work percent force them to have a mediocre life, apart from shame and separate people from God for feeling guilty and hypocritical for not being good Christians, and far from seeking the help of God, turn away the desire of these evil spirits that people go to hell.          

And then anyone can ask is sex bad then No, sex and sexuality was a gift from God for humanity, to be enjoyed within marriage, in the proper way, with the person you love and love you, because sex is not the whole of a marriage relationship is part of it, important if, but it is not the whole, you can not spend much of your life in that, you should not control the life of the human being, when people are excessive in this area, they are increasingly looking for new things, and they fall more and more in something new, that is why if one day you saw a very promiscuous man who after feeling good with a heterosexual spouse, has a transgender spouse , or any other disorder is given because their sexual practices are insatiable they already tried everything and nothing satiates them, it would not be unusual for them to commit aberrant practices such as bestialism, or with the dead, and an endless number of aberrant things that exist that I will not mention, the point is that unfortunately they have become sexual slaves of Satan, of his pr incipados and demons, and only Christ can give freedom to the captives, and everything would begin with making the decision to follow Christ, apologize for their sins and allow Him to set them free, because the life they have is no longer life, they know that his life is no longer normal, they do not fit, his mind is damaged but there is power in Jesus who came to set the captives free.

Recall that a slave no longer has power over if it no longer has authority over himself, he does what his master tells him to do, or required to do, it is not surprising that some of these people can be easily sexually victimize younger, because their human spirit is joined by demonic spirits, which in turn for having provided sexual satisfaction leave them influenced to have an upcoming meeting, however the person will be by the same influence of these sensitive and expectation or the search for things that will take you to the next meeting, that if it can be pleasant for them, but you have to ruin their life, they are no longer able to have a full and normal life, and have the ability to treat your spouse with respect and dignity, if He does not accept their rules no matter how much love they have left him, or will lead him to live that lifestyle, and will introduce him to live in the kingdom of Satan and his demons.
The problem of having sex outside the biblical context is that people behave as low as prostitutes and that offends the holiness of God.
I want to comment on this point that there are many people who are victims of these evil spirits and voluntarily gave up their body and one of the fairly large windows is in the famous chat, no matter that the chat are called Christians, most of the people who they make use of them and those who administer them are not and if they once were now they are slaves of sin and in their desire they can drag others to satisfy their sexual appetites, many of these people are so enslaved that they hardly sleep, looking for What victim to catch, the chats are detention centers for some people, that after moving from a room, other resources such as the whatsapp phone and others are used, some are clear and direct with what they want, others not, little by little Little are seduced and do not mind serving as a stumbling block to God's children, and seduction operates from that moment in which you met a nice person, after asking for data generates physical description , the request to speak uplifted things, and if you allow it they will go directly to the jugular, and if you continue spiritually you will die, those people are already possessed by demons and are in a kingdom of darkness, and some will not They want to accept, they simply want to continue maintaining a facade of dependence on God, of fear of God, of being children of God when they don't want to obey Him.      

Other is saying and is an open secret that in chats people who work there, read private conversations, your conversations will never be private but it is a crime all over the world, they have specific ways to differentiate yourself in the chat, and not only that they know the location from where you connect, and when they get in your way they block you, and if they feel threatened they do everything to differentiate new users, and before any kind of question they are elusive and more, there you can find everything from people who are able to talk about sex for hours and hours, because they become sex legs and are under the yoke of demons, or people with psychological problems that are narcissites or sociopaths who make use of everything and mix everything according to their convenience , people who fall into sadomasochism practice, and practice sex in the possible ways, there can be a lot of abuse, and in their demonic possession, feel pleasure, can have wounded and died, and come close to death and consider it pleasant, the situation is that unfortunately they have fallen into these practices, even if they are called children of God, they want to remain in the kingdom of Satan and do not want the freedom of Christ, but Freedom There is in Jesus. 

I dare to say that in 95% of Christian chats they take you away from God, and very rarely they will bring you closer to people who make you grow spiritually, it is more the simple fact of just spending a conversation with someone and not having time to seek God in prayer, to seek his advice in his word, and to have that approach with him, it is already a serious problem, that is, we spend five hours talking on the networks, but not even an hour of prayer, we are in trouble.

When two people have cyber sex also have sex with evil spirits, if someone lives that, you should know a few things, if you have pets these spirits evil can stand in your animals, if the person with whom you chat has had sex with people same sex, those bad spirits can rest even in pets, they may want to possess your children, more than one member of your family, because they also expand through the sin the kingdom of Satan and that is one of their ways to get annulled the will of the people and submit them to their will, but there is power in Jesus to Liberate ... and you can also feel their bad presence entering the place where the person is, you can feel their presence, an icy wind begins to enter rooms, bad smells begin to feel in the place you inhabit, out of nowhere, smells with sulfur, you can feel them and you can see them, sometimes they are not seen, one does not know if on the other side of the line, the person is practicing Satanism and tell you I am a Christian, I do not know, nor do we know if the person really is tied and you need is the help of God, but that does not mean to follow his game is not the best to ask help from the Lord and say no, whether the world knows or not that one is faithful to God in the hidden that is the least, the good thing is that one knows and knows the Lord, but there will always be bad spirits trying to do sin work even without physical contact, they are the ones who cheat with pleasure in synthesis, when someone has intimacy by any electronic means, the demons participated and if they accept to remain there, they will be in the kingdom of Satan, until they really want Receive Freedom Power is in Jesus to free. 

Most humans never take into account the mirrors of history, and unless the prohibitions of God have a purpose, keep us from evil, we do not learn that great empires fell for sexual messes, great ministries fell for sexual messes, history was changed by sexual trouble, having sex with humans or with spirits is an alliance, a unity is formed with them and it becomes part of the kingdom of Satan , 

Every time I remember Samson, and what Delilah did take his eyes out, and the Philistines would mock him, it hurts, and Satan and the demons are worse than Delilah, Marco Antonio, fell before the charms of Kleopatra , and died Ah, but she lived, and had multiple affairs, and we see the wise King Solomon, losing ten tribes because of his sexual ravings that led him to turn away from God.    

Thousands of servants of God fell into the famous chats, fell into sexual trouble speaking things worse than unconverted , is that seriously when a Christian departs from the Lord becomes worse than an unbeliever, because the Lord had mercy on us love, glory God, but not because we were the best in the world, we are not, nor are we better than our brothers who have strayed from God's grace, but more foolish and more weak as the Word of the Lord says: 

1 Corinthians 1: 25-29 New King James Version 

25 For the foolishness of God is wiser than men, and the weakness of God is stronger than men. 
26 For look, brethren, your vocation, that you are not many wise according to the flesh, nor many powerful, nor many noble; 
27 But the fool of the world chose God, to shame the wise; and the weak of the world chose God, to shame the strong; 
28 and the vile of the world and the despised chose God, and what is not, to undo what is, 
29 so that no one boasts in his presence. 
And I will be emphatic in this to fall into fornication as a pastor of my nation says, at the time of the Law to say that a person was fornicator or adultery they had to find him in sin, but in the time of grace with Just think one sins, this is what our Lord Jesus Christ taught:    

Matthew 5:28 New International Version (NIV) 

28 But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman to covet her has already committed adultery with her in his heart. 
But the Lord gives us medicine through his word:
Ephesians 4: 23-32 King James Version 

23 and renew yourself in the spirit of your mind, 
24 and put on the new man, created according to God in the justice and holiness of truth.   
25 Therefore, rejecting the lie, let each one speak truth with his neighbor; because we are members of each other. 
26 Be angry, but do not sin; the sun does not set on your anger,  
27 And give no place to the devil. 
Because you believe that the antichrist will be very strong, the Bible says he will ignore the love of women, there lies his great strength, women will not seduce his heart, but he will honor Satan in such a way that he will not deviate from his purpose.

How good it would be if we did not love others so much, nor ourselves more than God, so as not to deviate from our purpose

Daniel 11: 37-38 New King James Version 

37 Of the God of his fathers he will not listen, nor of the love of women; nor will it respect any god, because above all it will be magnified. 
38 But he will honor instead the god of strengths, the god his parents did not know; he will honor it with gold and silver, with precious stones and with things of great price. 
Many servants of God have fallen into the chats, and they no longer have the freedom to preach the gospel, their image became dirty, the devil, the demons and the people point them out, and although the Lord forgives them, the people do not forgive and they keep quiet until they really see that the person changed, but they have to go through the process and it is not impossible, but it is not easy, and although they should not try, the chats even if they are called Christians, some are mixed by others people of other religions who have no fear of God, the chats are problems for the servants of God and their fall, they were not other matters were sexual messes , they fall into a principality of sexuality the devil is called Asmodeus who is the demon who he controls lust and sex, and he is in charge of the incubus and succubus. But despite all freedom there is in Christ.     

But back to the point these incubators and succubi make use of memories of dating or past and present sexual unions, something we have to keep in mind is that these demons use past memories to lead the person to live in constant desire for fornication, those old memories that people don't want to forget, even though they are Christians and even though they are married to other people, those memories call the incubators and succubi, even posing as dreams as the person remembered and they give the victim pleasure , so sometimes the tie is difficult to break because the victim wants that experience to be rewarding and supposedly without major consequences because if she is a woman she will obviously not get pregnant, if she is a man she will not be a father, however this experience is not just that drains energy only, or that has physical evidence that he had intimacy with someone, is more than that, the victim becomes and n a sexual slave of the devil's kingdom, tied to demons of adultery and fornication, of lust, of lasciviousness, that in fact this principality is related to other sexual demons, and if he continues to wish that these experiences happen to him and that because he argues that as they happen to him when he sleeps it is not his fault, in spite of that he is in fornication or in adultery, because it is true the body is asleep but the soul does not sleep never sleeps, and whether it is awake or asleep, so it can be said no to any sexual intercourse with spirits evil disguised as humans, are not human, are demons, and not to accept any sexual relationship, or being pawed by them by rewarding it, and the word of God says that adulterers will not enter the kingdom of heavens ... this is what these demons have won, behind all sin there is the sin of pride and rebellion against the will of God.   

When God forbids something, it is not because it is a party water and does not want one to have fun, but rather that in his great wisdom he knows that living outside His will will result in the punishment of death ... for the payment of sin is death ...

Actually the sexual purity of a person for obedience to God generates a very special grace about him and the others notice it and the person is so pleased that when he speaks everything seems funny, and the others laugh, the purity of the person is evident, in every way even in his eyes he is clean, he also brings protection and blessing from God, on the life of the person, since when you take care of your body as the temple of God, and you know that you are the bride and future wife of the Lord Jesus Christ, He claims property if an evil spirit wants to harm you and does not allow it, you in his name rebuke and those demons have to go, for that we need to be filled with the Holy Spirit,  

When God forbids something, it is not because it is a party water and does not want one to have fun, but in his great wisdom he knows that living outside His will will result in the punishment of death, the Bible says in Romans 6 :2. 3
23 For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. " 
When a person is a Christian, you should not really look for an unsaved person to be your boyfriend or your spouse, because while the Christian is in the kingdom of God that is light, and has the seal of the Spirit of God, the unsaved person is in the kingdom of Satan that is darkness, the unconverted has the seal of Satan, and it is like wanting to mix water with oil, obviously you cannot, the Bible says in 2 Corinthians 6: 15-18
14 Do not unite in unequal yoke with unbelievers; because what fellowship does justice have with injustice? And what communion has light with darkness? 
15 And what does Christ agree with Belial Or what part has a believer with an unbeliever? 
And what agreement is there between the temple of God and idols? Because you are the temple of the living God, as God said: 

    I will dwell and walk among them,
    And I will be your God,
    And they will be my people. m 

    Come out from among them, and depart, says the Lord,
    And do not touch the unclean;
    And I will receive you,

18 And I will be for you by Father,

And you will be my sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty.
So, beloved, since we have such promises, let us cleanse ourselves from all contamination of flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God.  
It is not the same that a person was unconverted married and came to the feet of Christ and his spouse was also unconverted and continued unconverted , it is not the same to this person God commands him to give good testimony to convert to God, and the unconverted one sanctifies in her, and if the unconverted one accepts in living with her God sanctifies that relation, but they are two different things, in the first one one acts in rebellion and behind the rebellion is the egolatry, idolatry and pride, and in the Second, there is no such rebellion, but a need for salvation and in this case it is more likely that God will reveal himself to the life of the unconverted spouse if he has a good testimony of his convert spouse, since there has been no rebellion. Once I hear there are no missionary courtships, I agree with that.

Actually the sexual purity of a person for obedience to God generates a very special grace about him and the others notice it and the person is so pleased that when he speaks everything seems funny, and the others laugh, the purity of the person is evident, in every way even in his eyes he is clean, he also brings protection and blessing from God, on the life of the person, since when you take care of your body as the temple of God, and you know that you are the bride and future wife of the Lord Jesus Christ, He claims property if an evil spirit wants to harm you and you do not allow it, you in his name rebuke and cast them out, if they are strong and do not want to leave, there is nothing but holiness, fasting and prayer, and those demons will have to go, so we need to be filled with the Spirit Santo, you have to feed the Spirit the word of the Lord, is a bad thought say that does not come from me, Lord, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ asides every evil thought my mind i don't I fail, or Espiritu Santo covers my mind I do not want to fail in the name of the Lord Jesus rebuke every evil spirit of sexual perversion that wants to have control of my life and my mind and ordered him to go out in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, they have to go, there is another place they have to go, because you are not called free will, the freedom that God gave you, and you have no strength, you do not do it in your strength but in those of the Lord Jesus Christ and I already buy the price of your freedom, power and authority there in his death, in his resurrection, in his blood and in powerful name. He has done it and you just have to decide to take his wonderful gifts, which with his death he bought for us. POWER IS IN JESUS.            

I want to share some experiences with you, I have several years of living in this house, I stayed in this place for several reasons, they had told me some bad things that had happened in this place, among those things in this house three people died to whom I I knew, people also lived with a somewhat complicated life, more than one person practiced witchcraft in this place and raped a woman in this house.

The first and second day slept so happy, like a baby, the third day I spend something unusual I was in the yard and realized that upon entering my room someone much more bigger than I was walking behind me , but I felt that I entered my room with me, that night I felt a little restless, but I prayed and finally fell asleep, around three o'clock in the morning, I began to dream that someone very similar to the black Spiderman came through the door of the fourth step , I was Asleep in the dream, but I was seeing everything, he pounced on me, and began to take me by the neck I woke up, nor in the dream could I say any word, I was mute, and unable to move, he pressed and told me that I was his and he belonged to him and in my mind I cried out the name of Jesus and his blood, and as I cried he let go of my throat enough to tell him that I was not his, that it was of Christ, that belonged to Christ, that I hated him and wanted nothing with him, and let him go in the name of Jesus, he released me and went out the door, and then I woke up, I took the Bible in my hands and prayed, then I put the radio on there were praises and went back to sleep again, never again Come back home.

Last year because of my work I had to interact with a professional whom I met several years ago, he is so accustomed to working with so many people that although he was known to me, he no longer remembered me, although the first presented to us asked me out as the to know each other better, I just laughed, and turn your head saying no, and continued talking, he is a very educated man and has several specialties in your work area, I was nice to talk with him, in reality he was always the model of a man in which a woman thinks to marry and share the rest of her life, the years passed, and it doesn't matter what I look like, well one of women uses different looks, I I have always liked him no matter what I look like, last year we had to work together for a few hours, the work was difficult but we reached an agreement and in the end everything went well, we talked a moment there I realized that the n or professed no faith, we talked about our lives, and that day was a total contrast with the man I met years ago, a huge difference, I found it strange a ring he used, with the number three at the center of the ring, we said goodbye, the problem was at night I perceived as a presence pray and I begged the Lord to keep me, I was lying down, calm, still awake and suddenly I felt that they passed a hand over my hip, at that moment I got out of bed, turned on the light and beginning to rebuke in the name of the Lord JESUS, and another day they come and pull my big toe, obviously I know that there are no more people at home, what opened that spiritual door? He had liked me for several years always in my mind he had been as a reference that if I ever married he was the ideal man with whom I wanted to share my life, although that day that dream declined, and despite knowing that it was unconverted , and despite perceiving that he practiced hidden things, I still liked him, my mind did not fly at all the only thing that when saying goodbye I extended his hand but he shook my hand and said goodbye to me with a kiss on the cheek and a social hug, and then on his initiative he said goodbye to me with a kiss and a social hug, but at night I was in trouble, those were the open doors that thank God I could close. 

I talked to a pastor, he is a very fervent servant of God in prayer, I told him, and I told him that I had always liked that man I worked with since the day I met him.
The Pastor told me that if I had seen something strange in him or if something strange had happened to me, and I said yes, because in reality it was the only time I felt so dizzy, that I almost fainted, that didn't I usually go through very sick that this, I told him and then the rest that I have told them, and about the ring he wore, the pastor told me that the most likely is that the graduate practices Freemasonry, and already has some degree of power and the attack that I received was not a demonic attack if it was not a human spirit attack of him together with unclean spirits or demons, we began to pray, and days later I found him again but the color of the ring he carried completely changed of color, I no longer speak to myself, God pushed him out of my way, and thanks to Him for that. 

Why have these evil spirits persecuted me? because I have had open doors, the first open door that a Christian opens is not to pray enough, and not to read the word of God, when we connect with God the enemy will always try to do something bad to us but will not achieve it if we give up those demons, or human spirits that are helped by demons too.

Other doors open, I will be honest I do not believe in inherited curses to a Christian, but I do not understand the Lord as follows, and I will give an example: In my family I practice witchcraft a lot, for years, my grandmother from my father told me that her father was a tall, black man, once she observed that in near a barn my great grandfather had grabbed a trench, to defend himself because in front of him was the enemy and said "you will serve me" and he said no , and for my great-grandfather I take the trench and fight against the enemy, my great-great-grandfather was a strange man, they were very black and tall, according to my grandmother, only the teeth and eyes were seen , but something comes from my ancestors by the My grandmother's bloodline that easily connected with the spiritual, sometimes I wonder if my great-grandfather on behalf of my paternal grandmother served the enemy, but my great grandfather did not want to serve him, and my great grandmother on my grandmother's part was a very white woman ca, even her eyelashes were almost white my grandmother told me, and too pious and God fearing.
Every so often in the year, offerings appear in my life to follow the enemy, but I do not care about their offerings, sometimes they have been subtle and sometimes more than obvious, BUT GOD BELIEVED ME FOR HIS PRAISE, I AM FROM CHRIST, AND THE ROOM OF HIS HOLY SPIRIT, and if any of my ancestors made any dealings with him for generations, I DON'T CARE, I have never made them, I HAVE MADE A PERFECT COVENANT WITH THE GOD OF HEAVEN THE EARTH, THE SEA , AND EVERYTHING CREATED AND EVERYTHING EXISTS, AND I HAVE SAID THAT I HAVE TO LOVE IT, SECURE IT AND SERVE IT FOR ALL MY LIFE, AND SO AND SO I WANT TO LIVE, THAT IS MY DECISION IN THE FREE WILL that MY LORD HAS ALLOWED ME TO HAVE, AND TO HIM AND ONLY TO THE SERVICE, I WILL ALREADY BELONG TO MY FREE WILL, AND WITH THE UNDERSTANDING OF WHAT I yearn for.
My beloved grandmother and some of her relatives opened many doors, she in her youth saw very strong things, told me, so she bowed to the enemy, looked for God and looked for the enemy, even before my birth they took mom to a witch, because a woman is in love with papa, and I wanted to drive him mad, and spent a number of things, my aunt's sister 's brought a woman who apparently was insane but it was not a spiritualist woman, but papa God and had chosen, and the woman was upset when she wanted to make the benefit with the help of the enemy, my mother when she was taken to that site was told that the spirits would get to inject for three nights to protect me , and they certainly arrived one night, but that she had to have an image of this saint simon and put a cigar, and a glass with guaro as an offering, to take care of me and they lit the cigar and put the guaro, when the cigar was lit the doll exploded, why God He has already chosen us and we are his, and I am his.

Some of my ancestors had many sexual excesses, some were nudist dancers, a long time ago, they canceled a good amount of money to see someone of my relatives, some already died accepted Christ, and they are in his presence, but the demons are territorial they they were assigned to my family, my parents converted to the Lord, they repented of their sins and I have in my life in the Lord, those demons can no longer be in my life, and they will not be if I remain in Christ, but if I I seduce and give in and those curses will come back and they will be worse than those my ancestors had, because the demons that left needed help to seduce me and turn me away from Christ, and if I fall the curses will be on me, when a Christian does not live in integrity in Jesus he will pay the consequences of his actions, he is in curse, and the demons will seduce him to do their will, he will be his slave, but there is freedom in Jesus of Nazareth .

I will be honest when a Christian is in love with an unconverted person , although he does not want it intimately, he is in rebellion and this allows the incubators and succubi to have a part in the lives of Christians, and even if he is a Christian he can have this visitation of demons because The open door is his disobedience and rebellion against God, coupled with an acceptance to have intimacy with these demons, if the person accepts and desires that intimate contact, even if he has accepted God, if he wishes it will happen to him, in my case I have something right Definitely, I always tell my Lord, not to let anyone or human, or an evil spirit touch my body less when I am sleeping, to keep me and to keep me from my evil, and it is an everyday prayer, apart to pray Lord, don't let me fail you, help me not to fail you, I don't want to fail you, sometimes praying Holy Spirit help me I don't want to fail you, The Lord is faithful he helps us not to fail.

The incubations or sucubos appear when doors are opened to him seeing, hearing, and thinking: or speaking, seeing: pornography, or sexual, or sensual images that arouse sexual desire, people who themselves commit abuse of their body or sin what they commonly It is called masturbation, that calls the demons incubations or subcubes , or when there are risque conversations, sexual conversations with the opposite sex, or with people of the same sex, these evil spirits are called when nesting or harboring bad thoughts or desires lustful that they have commented on among humans, have seen each other, or be memories of the past, the person brings them to mind and not by himself, but it is these same demons who prepare a way to enslave humans and turn them away from God, and for that he makes use of everything from the suggestive clothes with which someone wants to provoke you, a prolonged look, suggestive words, a touch, flattery, etc. , preparing everything for For the person to want to fornicate and want to be with them "gratifying and without consequences," LIES, that is why, as daughters of God, Christian women should serve God by dressing us in decent clothes, so as not to provoke brothers with sin, because that by nature man is very visual, and that leads easily to covet a woman apart as daughters of God, we must not meddle to seduce, nor minister men when this prayer, women ministering women and men who minister to men respect and decorum, in recent times adultery and fornication, sexual sins are great weapons that the enemy has used and have wreaked havoc on the Lord's work, because by destroying people's lives, their testimony destroys the works and by bad example souls do not accept Christ and are lost.      

In the book of Proverbs 6: 27-28 The word of God tells us:

27 Will the man take fire in his bosom without his clothes burning?
28 Will the man walk on coals without burning his feet?

Satan uses the same technique with the human being the same one that I use with our first parents Adam and Eve, first with Eve, in the Garden of Eden.   

Let's see what Genesis says : 1-6   

But the serpent was cunning, more than all the animals of the field that Jehovah God had made; which said to the woman: Conque God has told you: Do not eat of every tree of the garden?   
And the woman answered the serpent: From the fruit of the trees of the garden we can eat; 
But of the fruit of the tree that is in the middle of the garden God said: You shall not eat of it, nor touch it, that you may not die. 
Then the serpent said to the woman: You will not die; 
But God knows that the day you eat of him, your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil. 
And the woman saw that the tree was good to eat, and that it was pleasing to the eyes, and a covetable tree to attain wisdom; and he took of his fruit, and ate; and also gave to her husband, who ate just like her. 

Notice something in this verse: Satan wants to make Eve believe that God is selfish , and that his behavior is dictatorial; I ask who did the sex? ¿ Who put in every person's sexuality? God made man a man and left that instinct of man, woman made woman and left that instinct of woman? Was it not God who did these things? If indeed it was God, not this against any of them, but to enjoy freedom and safety of sex, because if what God think is something very special that can not be shared with any human being, having sexual intimacy with someone is a unity of spirit, soul and body, it is a delivery so great that God, the design that was within marriage and that unity is so great that God compares two people as one, so complex is knowing that each human being is made up of body, soul and spirit, but let's see what the word of God says about marriage, if we notice God does not oppose having conjugal intimacy, with due respect, that intimacy must carry its natural order , not strange things that someone came up with or saw on television , internet, magazines, or told him, let's see what the Bible says:   

Proverbs 5: 18-20 
18 May your spring be blessed, and rejoice with the woman of your youth, 
19 As a beloved servant and graceful gazelle. his caresses satisfy you at all times, and in his love always recreate yourself . 
20. And why, my son, will you go blind with the alien woman, and embrace the womb of the stranger?

The Lord Jesus tells us how God sees marriage in the Book of Matthew 19: 6 says:  
6. So they are no more twain, but one flesh; therefore, what God together, do not separate man. "  

In the Book of 1 Corinthians 6: 15-17, the apostle Paul, by God's instruction explains   

"15 Do you not know that your bodies are members of Christ? Will I then remove the members of Christ and make them members of a harlot? In no way. 
16 Or do you not know that he who joins with a harlot is a body with her? Because it says: The two will be one flesh. 
17 But he who joins the Lord, a spirit is with him. " 
Brothers and friends, the more God exhorts our conscience to refuse to have any intimacy with a demon.
There are people who claim to have had an intimate encounter with aliens, but we know that these blissful aliens are demons, they are the same incubations and subcubes , which take extraterrestrial form, because the person has somehow been susceptible to accepting that idea, the demons They are cunning, but there is something that works in the name of God. Say NO IN THE NAME OF JESUS, AND THEY WILL NOT TOUCH YOU, SAY NO, AND TELL THEM THAT THE LORD JESUS ​​CHRIST REPRESSES YOU AND DO NOT TOUCH YOU, ASK THE LORD JESUS ​​CHRIST THAT YOU filled with his Holy Spirit, one thing is to be sealed with the Espiritu Santo to salvation and something very difente is to be filled with the Holy Spirit, when checked disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ and had been the salvation of the Lord through Cruz, John The Baptist said in Matthew 3: 11 I truly baptized you in water for repentance; but he who comes after me, whose footwear I am not worthy to wear, is more powerful than me; he will baptize you in the Holy Spirit and fire. "  
Baptism of Espiritu Santo is different, the Lord baptized me when I was fourteen with Espiritu Santo y Fuego, that's cleaner, burns but does not burn the skin and these streams exiting from your stomach into your body and those languages that do not you understand and get scared and think no volveras speak normally so does the Lord Jesus, that's wonderful.
We need the Power of God to overcome, The Lord Jesus Christ said in the Bible in Acts 1: 8:
"8 But you will receive power, when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will witness me in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the end of the earth." 
No matter which is the difficulty, being baptized with the Spirit Holy receive power to overcome, will come many difficulties but we power of the kingdom of heaven, the power that Christ won and gave us their children, through the Espiritu Santo, it is that El Espiritu Santo bears witness to the truth of the deity of Christ and a Christian filled with Espiritu Santo, not only wins, but has the power to exercise authority delegated by our Lord Jesus Christ says in the Book of Luke 10: 19 
"19 Behold, I give you the power to trample snakes and scorpions, and over all the strength of the enemy, and nothing will harm you."  
Also our Lord Jesus Christ taught us in Matthew 10: 8
"8 Heal the sick, cleanse lepers, raise the dead, cast out demons; from grace you received, give of grace." 

Certainly He taught us in his word that there are genres of demons that only come out with fasting and prayer , in Matthew 
Jesus heals a lunatic boy
(Mr. 9.14-29; Lc. 9.37-43)
14 When they reached the crowd, a man came to him who knelt before him, saying: 
15 Lord, have mercy on my son, who is lunatic, and suffers greatly; because many times it falls in the fire, and many times in the water. 
16 And I brought him to your disciples, but they could not heal him. 
17 Jesus answering said Oh incredulous and perverse generation How long shall I be with you? How long will I bear you? Bring it to me here. 
18 And Jesus rebuked the devil, who came out of the boy, and he was well from that hour. 
19 Then the disciples came to Jesus, aside, they said: Why couldn't we cast him out? 
20 Jesus said to them: By your little faith; because I tell you the truth, that if you had faith like a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain: Go from here to there, and it will pass , and nothing will be impossible for you. 
21 But this genre only comes out with prayer and fasting. 
¿ What to do? We must go to Christ, that must be the primary step, tell everything to Christ, if you know that you have liked that intimacy for having been pleasant, you must repent and decide not to allow it again, in the land of the living you do not count, and if you are Christ 's can give you freedom and fill you with his Spirit Holy and Fire, even if you're in the dream your mind is conscious, because the body rests but Alama is awake, if you have accepted being intimate with demons, if you enjoy Be intimate with the demons, ask the Lord for forgiveness and ask him to set you free, in his powerful name and you will begin to experience his freedom.      
There are many people who are suffering from diseases because of this intimacy with demons, they bring fibroids, cancer in the womb, cancer in the breasts of women and men, abortions, we olo become husbands esprituales demanding loyalty, sometimes when people get married try to kill their children and spouses , spoil their lives in all areas even in their economy , and if the person has not married, they do not want to get married, 
We must do, the day yesterday the pastor of the church that I attend said something that captive inside me said: "When you have a bad dream, give up that dream immediately and cover yourself with the blood of Christ, and nothing will happen, there are Christians who do not do it and receive the damage ", that is an option. 

One suggestion do not sleep without clothes, or with the windows open, two friends had different experiences, in the case of one of them these demons tried to seduce her at night, she rebuked in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and they fled but that opportunity she gave me She said that she was not dressed when she went to sleep, wear appropriate clothes , even if it seems like a joke, there are people who wear clothes even if they are so seductive, and I am honest I wonder what they are wearing, if they are not going to wear them to anyone, the clothes of a single person or a person who sleeps alone must be decent, television programs, or internet that are seen must be decent, even what is read and spoken in any way must be decorous, the famous phrase "One he can talk about everything, as long as he speaks with respect ", it is a lie that speaks of something or writes something or sees something his emotions move, let us be prudent to strive to please the Lord. 

For my second friend of her brother pass such a difficult process, they caught a group of people of a satanic cult and was about to die but it was because the Lord protected him life, after that lived a three month horrible process, as he could not sleep and she prays a lot, she took care of her brother in her room he slept in her room, she told me that one of those nights a demon started knocking on the door of his room telling him that let him in, she turned on the Christian radio and began to pray and rebuke in the name of the Lord and Savior our Lord Jesus Christ and listen to the radio and that did not happen again .            

At home all the time there are praises, praises to God break chains, read the Bible, and nourish God, praise him pray and fast, and know that he does not ask for a dead God, and know that there is hope for you, though He has reached the bottom, Christ is not afraid of him, he will not despise him, his helping hands are extended in the land of mercy, and he will be free from those bonds, some people do not enjoy those torments, for them it is an ordeal, greater reason to fast, pray and read the Bible and ask the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ Freedom. 

One question someone would say Why does this happen to me and not to another? it is because his spirit is very sensitive to the supernatural and when the Lord sets him free, his ministry will probably be liberation, sometimes one goes through difficult experiences but then he has the mercy of God the knowledge and the opportunity to help others. Ask the Lord to release you, it all starts with the desire to be free, read the word of the Lord, pray, if you feel that captivity is strong fast, and praying at night has no idea how valuable it is, when you wake up at night, or pray, don't stop praying and when the storm has passed don't stop praying, and ask the Lord to be firm. and try to come together and seek a ministry in which start serving and if still has not received the Lord Jesus Christ as their personal savior I encourage you to make this prayer .  

You can ask forgiveness for your sins:
Lord Jesus I ask forgiveness for all my sins, I know that you have died on a cross for love of me, and that God the Father raised you from the dead on the third day; wash me, cleanse me of my wickedness with your precious blood, I need you, I declare the Lord and Savior of my life, teach me to do your will, give me strength, give me a new life; I thank God the Father for sending you my Jesus to die for my sins and for receiving me as your son. In your name Jesus I have prayed, Amen. 

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